No, your eyes are not fooling you. You are seeing a different look on as you look at this.
A decision had been rolling around to make a change to the design of the website, but something we didn’t think would be done until after the season was over. However, it became apparent to us that something had to be done sooner rather than later.
What you are looking at is what we will be using for the foreseeable future and to be honest, you all will appreciate it.
The first thing you might notice is that we now have a fly-out menu that can be accessed from the top left corner of the site from any device (mobile and desktop). The fly-out menu will be the larger of the two menus you will see on the website and you can access all the sections (including any future add-ons from there).
The second menu will be across the top like we had before on the previous design. However, the links will now be more for our most popular links that are for easy access. You will only see this menu if you are on a desktop browser.
Taking a look at the homepage, you will see that we will feature four top headlines now on the top of the page and you will see sections below from different categories with the most recent headlines from each of those sections. You will also find a section with our most recent photo galleries on the home page as well.
Looking at the articles, there is much improved in reader visibility including a change in fonts used for reading articles as well as new ways to connect with the writers who write the stories. For most authors, you will find a way to connect with them on Twitter through the tweet icon next to the author’s name on top of the article. At the bottom of each article, you will find buttons to take you to a new article or an older article, as well as recommendations for other articles you might have missed.
Also on the sidebar of most articles and pages, you will find our normal placements for advertisements as well as a section showing you Trending Stories. These are the top five stories that are getting the most views within the last week.
When you click on a category, which can be done by either clicking one through the menu or through the category shown on top of each article, you will see the most recent headline for that category featured as well as more articles below that giving you access to a variety of things we have written.
Please note there might be a few things that will look out of place still over the next week or so. We plan on getting the rest of the kinks worked out in that time, but in general, the new design is fully functional now and you should experience a better reading experience across any device you access and with that should hopefully come more new content that you all will appreciate as we continue to build as the top high school football and flag football website in the state of Florida!
If you got any comments, just leave us a comment below in the comments section, which has now been converted away from being strictly using the Facebook comments platform to the Disqus commenting platform. Disqus allows you to comment on articles from using a Disqus account as well as either through a Facebook, Twitter or Google account.