We have heard from a lot of you about our scoreboards over the last couple of weeks and we have finally found a solution to combine the information we need to provide and the way you want to access it.
We are heading back into a geographical regional format after a one week hiatus, but the regions will be more consolidated than what it was for the first two weeks of this season. Inside the regional scoreboards you will find district scoreboards for teams in every district inside that region, plus you will be able to keep tabs on the entire district.
However, if you are more inclined to clicking on a map, you can click on the scoreboard link on the left side of the site and you will find a clickable map of all 8 regions (links provided below as well for this week) for each week.
On the sidebar you will find a new feature called Playoff Watch. You will be able to track who is in line for a playoff spot and who is out of the running. We hope this information will come handy as we further progress in the season.
Here are the scoreboards for this week:
North Central Florida
Northeast Florida
Central Florida
Tampa Bay
Southwest Florida
Florida’s East Coast
South FloridaÂ
We would love your feedback on this. Comment below and thank you for your support!