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Everything posted by peezy28

  1. In the Tampa Bay Area man. We are known for our beaches Clearwater Beach about 3 hours south south west of y'all. West of Tampa North of Bradenton South of Pasco.
  2. All you would have to do is get your coach to call ours only 189 miles away not near as bad as Miami or I could tell my coach to contact yours which he probably already has LMAO.
  3. Yeah it would be for 2019 and we would definitely make the 1st trip.. Our coach don't Give AF about travel as long as we can get it approved. Traveled to Cocoa last year to get beat down LOL which is only about 40 miles less than traveling to Columbia for us.
  4. Aye man his homies call him Debo for a reason I am guessing make sure you make good on this bet LMAO!!!!
  5. I'v been to the jungle once. Lincoln vs Columbia I think it was 02 or 03
  6. HAHAHAHAHA! Maybe I do LOl. That is some funny isht.
  7. Aye, my coach will travel south too if its a good challenge from a playoff team (which y'all are). If your folk are interested I will have him call them. He got 3 out of area teams this year Cocoa (got blasted), Mitchell (they garbage and we played like isht and lost) and Braden River (they were whooping our tale 21-7 we were driving at the end of the half then game got called for lightening). He will keep challenging till his team is used to playing teams out of county... Something that is not common where we are from.
  8. Man you and that man live bout 8 hours away from each other stall em out Debo LMAO. (you still live down south right?)
  9. Fair deal, Or maybe you can get your people to call my people and we can set up a game LOL. For real though i would love to see a home and home series with Columbia and Clearwater playing each other for 2 years. I might be back on the staff next year so I'd be able to make the trip if that happens. I can get coach to call your coach when they start making schedules again if you think they'd be interested (district Champ/Playoff team so it would be a good challenge and good points).
  10. I was referring too the youngin resident 17 or 18 year old Columbia Fan. Only way he ever played Mike Tyson Punchout is on an emulator (unless he went out and bout that system that is twice his age that just redropped).
  11. I thought so too at the beginning of the season but not anymore... They will lean on Snead and he might be the best RB they ever had. They are going to make it to state (friendly wager if you like).
  12. Yeah but that 3rd game is a Mf'ing beast after playing 2 similar good teams prior... Hell you ever wonder why they save the big bad boss at the end of the video game? Imagine trying to fight Mike Tyson (you too young son) 3 times LOL... More recent but your probably still too young Imagine having to fight 3 MBisons, or 3 Kazuya's or Devil JIns LOL... How about 3 Bowsers or 3 ... You get the picture LMAO.
  13. No doubt I could see an upset... But the problem is whoever does that whether it be Dillard, Mainland or Heritage now you have to run the Gauntlet... It still stands whoever makes it out of that going to win state unless they are too injured to continue lol.
  14. No doubt, and the only reason I have them going forward is if they the "offs" started today they would get a favorable matchup with Heritage.
  15. Armwood "could' compete... but probably not for 4 qtrs... #pressureburstpipes
  16. If I say "No disrespect" will you take my word for it? Sorry man I know that is your school but as I wrote that out I could not help but laugh that the whole darn district might advance to round 2... That is some unseemly sh**
  17. Agreed... only bonus there is you get to go home early LOL. It would be good to see MNW back at states they will bring the biggest crowd out of them "Bottom" schools but we all know those rematches are never easy and any of them could come out of that. I am not writing off the rest but Mainland is down and even when they were up they were losing to those 3 by 3 scores and Heritage is not prepared to run that gauntlet.
  18. 1 or 2 other teams have a punchers chance but most likely not happeningMNW VS Mantanzas- MNW - LMAO Dillard VS Central - Central - LMAO Mainland vs Carol City - CC - LMAO Palm Bay Heritage vs Norland - Norland - LMAO
  19. I don't know the Last team but they did lost out of state recently so just go find the teams they have played out of state they have taken some lumps. I was at the STA (with a Shula Grandson as QB) vs Tallahassee Lincoln who had Gavin Dickey, Fred Rouse, Antonio Cromartie, Pat Watkins, Greg Threat, and a few other college stars on the team in 2001 and they beat STA in the title game.
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