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Everything posted by Tiger86

  1. I think cocoa wins big the rock played OK against a so so Palm bay team tonight if rockledge beats cocoa I'll cook them a bbq
  2. Lots of school's down there I understand why
  3. Lol were going to beat them so bad there going to need grief counseling lol
  4. I hope so because we would love to beat them at their home field o wait they don't have one do they here or there it don't matter
  5. ?? So tell us what happened? Come on now we want to hear all the excuses !!
  6. They haven't really helped rockledge much
  7. They will never beat cocoa looks like them f-5 tornados have been down graded to an f-1 lol lol
  8. So what does this mean to booker t?? I still can't figure out this new point system
  9. So what does this mean to booker t?? I still can't figure out this new point system
  10. But boy ole boy would it be a heck of a crowd to see it lol
  11. Rockledge over palmbay?? I think u got this one wrong Joe!
  12. Well pull some strings and get chicken [....] coach from Merritt island to play cocoa
  13. Are u by chance a Merritt island mustang alumni??
  14. If that's the case they would have some points
  15. All kidding aside I hope its a cocoa booker t game always lots of excitement
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