Lowndes had one sustained drive the entire game......3 plays decided the outcome of this game. One on a turnover deep in Manatee territory on a muffed jet sweep handoff, the other 2 on Manatee defensive miscues on player reads and resulting reactions. The bigger read on the Lowndes game, was Lowndes getting blown out in the 2nd round of the Georgia playoffs by Buford 42-7 in as far as how good Lowndes actually was.
I just wanted to bring this post back because of all the talk of the "Florida Coaches Coalition." Not a single bill was introduced to mandate higher coach pay (especially by Representative Adam Anderson, who was mentioned in the original article).
But a bill about Hearing Aids and Sovereign Wealth Fund, we can get those from that mentioned State Representative.
Horrible. Same with Avon OH. They finished number 1 in Ohio and they are playing Spruce Creek who isn’t even top 50 in Florida
Baylor is 2nd in TN and they are playing a team not ranked in the state top 150!