Having lived in Texas for 5 years, I can attest that there are some meaningful differences from Florida. To begin with, property taxes are significantly higher, so there is more money available for public school kinds of things. My wife's pay and benefits as a public-school teacher there were very good. Some would argue that you get what you pay for.
In terms of football culture, it is definitely a different level in terms of community support. In larger cities, a school district may have 8-12 high schools, but every high school does not have its own stadium. The school district may have 2-3 multi-use stadiums seating 10-15,000 and shared on Thursday-Saturday nights. Attendance for a regular season game may be 8-10,000, and I attended one regional playoff game in the University of Texas stadium with 40,000 in attendance. In small communities with one high school, the sky is the limit with what financial resources that particular community might have. The bands, dance teams, and cheerleaders dwarf in size what I have seen in Florida.
I will say that in the panhandle, I have seen excellent game-day atmospheres at Niceville, Choctaw, Crestview, Pace, Tate, and Navarre. I think this is because these are primarily "one community, one high school" types of settings. On a larger level, you cannot just infuse "culture" into a state such as Florida by waving a magic wand. I'm afraid I don't have the single answer to improve the status of high school football in Florida.