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MC Rockets

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Posts posted by MC Rockets

  1. @MC Rockets Are you serious??? The only real competition on the schedule is Carol City and Booker T. Washington. Central's schedule solid 8 doesn't even compare to the likes of Carol City, Northwestern, Jackson, Columbus, Southridge, Booker T. Washington, American Heritage and St. Thomas

    As I said BEFORE I know Central's schedule is weak. I was referring to some of the teams ranked ahead of them in the poll.
  2. Who you think gets number 1 and who gets left out?

    In my opinion BG should get #1. They are the two time defending MNC. But won't be surprised to see STA get the top spot. As far as who gets left out. Of the six teams as much as I hate to admit...Central. Just looking how loaded the other teams are, not saying Central isn't loaded either but if I compare the other polls, Central is ranked lower than all six left.
  3. the 5 that you mentioned is dead on accurate

    After comparing the two other national polls that are out, I'm a bit concerned about Central making top 5.

    I totally forgot about Cedar Hill. So you have six teams: STA, BG, IMG, Greyson, Central, and CHill vying for five remaining spots. Who gets left out?

  4. I hear you...you are basically saying (but not really saying) it is a psychological factor for pre-season or even early regular season polls. If that is the case and teams and coaches know that then wouldn't it be wise to leave your starters in the whole game in a spring game?


    I'm serious though ...We should start a new topic with spring/preseason results of games and jamborees. Wouldn't it be easier to make our preseason rankings?

    You're putting way to much emphasis on this. It's just on factor for preseason ranking. Not everything. Returning starters, transfers, etc. all play a part in it.
  5. It obviously does in that Maxpreps Human poll. If that is the case for that human poll...Hell, we may as well start putting together a National poll based on spring scrimmages and jamborees!

    They dropped in every poll after that loss. Putting polls together are not needed for spring games. Waaay too early. But again whenever you take the field you're evaluated in some way.
  6. Here is a link to Maxpreps Week 9/2/2015 Regional Computer Polls for 2015:




    Notice IMG in the South is #1 and (last week - #1) as well. I remember other National polls did not affect IMG as well.. A few people in forums were discussing that they were curious how IMG was not dropped after losing to AHP and it was generally concluded that it was a preseason game.

    Computer vs Human poll.

    Notice the poll below is the first poll after KOC weekend. Notice where IMG was before and where they were after. Don't tell me preseason doesn't count.


  7. Can you reference where you heard or read that?


    Does this include Spring games and Jamborees as well?

    I have had numerous conversations with the former high school football editor at Maxpreps along with Dallas Jackson and Jim Halley of USA today himself. Spring games are taken into account as well. That’s one of the criteria for ranking most teams in the preseason along with other factors.
  8. The USA Today Poll :) ....That is one poll.That is the same poll that had a team from Westwood, MA at #24 in their final poll and a team from Greenwood, IN at #17 - ahead of Miami Central in their final poll. ;) I'll just leave it at that.

    Yes that was the case and we both know Greenwood, IN wouldn't last 1 qtr with Central, but it is what it is. No two polls will ever be the same and you're not going to please everyone.
  9. actually the IMG national ranking took a big hit last year, they started in top 5 but after losing to AHP they dropped down to 19th in USA today poll

    James is absolutely correct. Although it's considered a preseason game and doesn't count on the W-L record it has been confirmed by multiple media outlets that you are evaluated every time you take the field.
  10. Lets get 1 thing str8 bro i dont have to sell dillard on anything they are what they are im the first dude on here to call out their flaws & inconsistency. So i dont know where u get me hyping them up to be some world beater all i said was that they have talent which creates potential what they do with that is completley up to them fam. As far as me disrespecting you if u felt that i did then i apologize bro im not on here for the drama or tension all i want to do is talk football man. And last but not least u say hallandale plantation and cypress bay cooper city.!!! & miramar are better then dillard im sorry bro lol but you have to explain that 1 to me especially with Cooper city & cypress bay. Dont get me wrong your opinion is your opinion wouldnt dare try & take that from you just want to here your insight on that.

    We good fam! Best of luck this season.
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