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    • You’ve seen them up in person so I’ll take your word , plus you’re from dade so if anybody know you’ll know.    this Thursday should be a great 1 then with them vs Columbus. If they lose that 1 you can potentially see some panic from bulls nation 
    • Good list. MNW is too high in my opinion. They've played two teams with a pulse and lost both(Venice and Norland). Their QB is very suspect, especially when it matters the most. I watched them in both their loses. They have a tough time stopping the run as well. They have Teddy, but Teddy can't get out there and play either. 
    • Like I said at the Beginning of the season when I started these rankings. It’s not gonna make everyone happy, and it’s not gonna be perfect, being that we all have diff opinions of who should be where.    all I was trying to do in my last post was give you a south Florida insight of why my rankings are the way that they’re for WEEK 5, since you came on the post with maxpreps statistics, when it goes way deeper then that.    I’ve actually seen these teams play in person. Maxpreps again is just computer based there’s no real thought or research that’s done on their behalf to determine who should be ranked where. thats like me trying to tell you how teams in the Osceola area should be ranked, just because of what maxpreps says. At the end of the day you know your area and the schools in it better then anyone over at maxpreps, whether their rankings reflect it or not.    but as stated from the get go the on field results have been and will continue to speak for themselves, and that’s how we’re gonna leave it. in regards to your Kowboys I’ve always liked their football program, I know you guys have a tough matchup this week vs jones, Good luck. Hope you guys come out victorious.
    • No ranking is perfect, that includes yours. Not PROBABLY not, certainly not.  In your own words you have beaten Miramar 5 years in a row, why would another win not be expected.  It all boils down do you get more love for beating up on chumps (rankings for those 3 teams ... #265, #524, #318) or losing to top ranked teams especially in close games.  Will leave it at that. 
    • I’m always open to diff opinions, matter fact I welcome it.    in regards to Miramar to start they’re surprisingly ranked higher then us on maxpreps , but being that I’m from broward I take into account that we have beaten Miramar 5 years in a row, they are 2-2, was shutout against plantation and beat a horrible McArthur team only 28-0 how western is ranked above Dillard on maxpreps with a 0-3 record is even more glaring that maxpreps cannot be trusted most of the times. They don’t see these teams personally everything with them is computer based.    Same with ely, their rankings got trumped up by beating a chaminade team trotting their 3rd string qb out their on the second possession of the game because their starting qb got ruled out with injury. Which caused the lions to strip their entire game plan on the fly.    Ely then proceeds to give up 20 to a stranahan team the very next week , the very same team Dillard shut out 44-0 the week prior.    then ely the very next week (last Friday) at home was down 21-0 to an Atlantic team who ranked below them in every category coming in, trailed 35-7 at the half and then 42-7 30 seconds into the third quarter which further proves that win vs chaminade was a complete aberration and was due more so to the energy of chaminades starting qb.    in regards to homestead, yes they’re 2-2 but they also lost to a palmetto team who is now 1-3 and their only win was against homestead, and homestead also lost to south dade whose only win so far is against homestead. So granted while they’re 2-2 those two loses they took early are still two very bad loses. Which is why they’re ranked but not as high as they started.    in regards to monarch , we beat monarch. Granted it was spring but both teams played their full starters, then as we got to the season monarch played horrible against a very pedestrian peach ridge team out of Ga, went on a bye then lost to Seminole last week to put their record at (1-1)  in regards to western their (0-3) , theirs no moral victories in sports. Your are what your record says you’re which as of right now their (0-3), despite their SOS. If your ranking is #43 in the entire state their is no way you should be (0-3) , you get blown out by AHP, ok cool, AHP is very good.    but you lose at home to a HOOVER team whose way past their glory days when you were double digit faves? That was a terrible lost.    As for Booker T Washington , they’re another team we faced at the beginning of the season at Dillard & we beat them 21-14 with all starters playing.    & also booker t also played a terrible laselle team last week and only won by 15, a very underwhelming victory to say the least with Lakeland coming up this Friday.    so while again the maxpreps rankings are what they’re, many many times over including this year they have proven to be greatly flawed.    is my rankings perfect ? Probably not, but that’s exactly why it’s fluid & constantly changes each week depending on the results on the field.    and after this week gauntlet of great matchups more teams are gonna be move down, move up, or removed all together.    if Dillard loses to Miramar this week, they will most def fall a few notches and Miramar will rise a few. But as of right now Miramar is 0-5 vs Dillard the last 5 years , so this game is way bigger for them then us & would be a statement game for them , but still a solid win on the road for my panthers if we can get it done. 
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