Hopefully this will make sense.
To put your situation in TX terms, the Palm Harbor area of Pinellas would likely be its own independent school district (PHISD).
That is a huge distinguishing factor that separates TX schools from FL. In this setup, PHISD sets forth policies and infrastructure in a way that reflects their community’s values.
Because they are an affluent area, ~3% property taxes bring in an immense amount of money. That allows them to attract and retain high caliber teachers/coaches/administrators by paying them well and providing them with the resources they need (one of the noteworthy things about TX is that teachers do not complain about pay and there are FAR more young people going into education because it is a viable career due to the pay).
The other benefit of this is that when PHISD pays well, similar districts like “South Tampa ISD” or “Venice ISD” must follow suit to compete for high quality workers. For less affluent/city areas that may not have the high residential property tax revenue, this is taken care of because skyscrapers and commercial real estate are taxed at the same rate (which is why TX oil towns have great school districts…an Odessa oil tank is taxed just like a Highland Park mansion).
So PHISD can pay staff competitively at their discretion. They can also pass municipal bonds for capital projects that reflect their community’s values. They want an 8,000 seat stadium, new fine arts building, turf installation on practice fields, baseball and softball fields (happens more than you think in TX), put it to a vote and get the community to agree to it. The smaller scale of the district allows you to get things done that are important to that community, not be held back by the differing interests across the county as it is in FL.
The smaller school districts make districts compete and race to the top, instead of what we do in FL which is to do legislative gymnastics to get by paying teachers/fund schools minimally because there is no incentive to with no competition for personnel and families. Districts complete for families to live in their district just like they compete for teachers and staff.
In your example where Palm Harbor has support but others do not, the TX model would make it so that that area is not bound by the other areas. It really is a great setup by can’t happen in FL due to state law mandating each county be its own school district.
College football never relied upon fans of smaller schools like Kennesaw State watching their team on TV. IMO, we're about to see a huge drop in interest as the fans who DID support college football are generally not in support of the current set of dynamics. The push for a large playoff- much like the push to discuss Heisman candidates- has always been from big city, coastal elites who've never truly understood or appreciated college football for what it is (was). They have been getting their way for years now. But the sport is going to lose the large contingent of us who always loved college football precisely because it WASN'T the pros. I could've bought a ticket to the Rose Bowl- which may prove to be as important to the national title as any other playoff game- for under $200 and I live a 30-40 minute commute away. I decided it wasn't worth it.
The coach took Winter Haven to Knoxville to get their head beat in by some private school. So stupid. He took Lake Placid to Louisiana and Georgia and lost by 50 each time. He’s a punk. I don’t care what anyone says. Sending some JV level team to slaughter against teams way out of their league is irresponsible and embarrassing.
Do you think the kids will remember some building and museums on their trip, or will they remember the 50 point a$$ bashing they were forced to receive by their punk coach?
You must have been reading my mind. I've been looking at compiling all the sports at some point starting with Basketball next. Winter Haven is at the center of the carousel known as open enrollment, lol. Head in any direction and there's a better program.
Winter Haven is horrible in football and basketball and they still go and play teams that beat their heads in. Lol. I never understood that. Scheduling a game you have ZERO percent chance of winning. That doesn’t make you better. It just embarrasses your players and lets them know how inferior they are at the game of football.
Classic Winter Haven