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Longtime Observer

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    Longtime Observer reacted to Perspective in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    So, let's break this down. 
    Schools cannot control what their fans do, but schools can be punished if certain of their fans break the rules.  Is this fair?  I don't know.  But it is the way the rules are written. 
    If you start sending out text messages to kids suggesting they 'come play for Venice,' and you are not a representative of Venice's athletic interests, no one gets into trouble.  Although you may lose a few friends in Lakeland.  
    Can a kid who receives multiple text messages decide to selectively turn in certain teams, but not others?  Yes.  Does that happen?  Not in my experience.  To the contrary, kids/parents that have been a part of the shady underworld of high school recruiting/transferring tend to do whatever they can to stay quiet and under the radar for fear of getting caught in the punishment net. 
    As I have said many times (not necessarily on this site), most kids who get contacted by other schools take it as a compliment.  It makes them (and their parents) feel good.  "Dang, look at all these other schools/coaches that want me/my son to come play for them.  That's pretty cool. They're nice guys; why should I turn them in?"  And if the kid or his parents are the ones reaching out to other schools to gauge any interest that other schools might have, well, those are going to be the last kids/parents to want to turn anyone in. 
    With all due respect, it appears to me that you are trying to make the argument that the existing rules need to be changed.  That may be true.  But, as you have seen with NIL, once the camel gets his nose in the tent, the rest of the body is sure to follow.  Or you can go with the Pandora's Box analogy.   Either way, it'll get crazy. 
  2. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to THIS_IS_DILLARD in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    Actually I would because the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. My son turns 21 in sept & never did I think about having him at one of those private schools. 
    sure they have the boosters & college connects. But I’m a firm believer as to what’s for you will be for you. & hard work pays off. 
    you can step foot on dillard campus and be the best thing that came through there since Issac Bruce & the offers will be there. 
    in todays society these kids don’t want to work for anything. It’s monkey see monkey do if a bunch of kids aka their friends are all teaming up to play for whatever the “IT” school is that year that’s where they go. 
    where’s the loyalty ? Where’s the pride ? If you ask me getting a ring as a super team , means nothing compared to a team that got it from the mud & actually earned it from hard work. Even if it took a down freshmen & sophomore year to get better & achieve said goal. 
  3. Thanks
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Perspective in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    The biggest factor for Tarpon Springs was the folding of the Clearwater Academy football program. The head coach for CAI was picked up as OC at TS. His QB, who started at TS, followed him back there as did some other good players. This influx made the program much more attractive. And, there really aren't a lot of great alternatives in the immediate area for football. There's no program with such a great resume and such great resources that they can win recruiting battles for players. 
    Many of the CAI players shopped around at a wider range of programs. But, most of the CAI kids needed housing and/or a program near CAI. I believe it's possible some/all of the CAI transfers may still attend and receive housing at CAI. They'd be allowed to play at TS even while not attending the school since CAI doesn't offer football anymore.
  4. Thanks
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Dr. D in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    The biggest factor for Tarpon Springs was the folding of the Clearwater Academy football program. The head coach for CAI was picked up as OC at TS. His QB, who started at TS, followed him back there as did some other good players. This influx made the program much more attractive. And, there really aren't a lot of great alternatives in the immediate area for football. There's no program with such a great resume and such great resources that they can win recruiting battles for players. 
    Many of the CAI players shopped around at a wider range of programs. But, most of the CAI kids needed housing and/or a program near CAI. I believe it's possible some/all of the CAI transfers may still attend and receive housing at CAI. They'd be allowed to play at TS even while not attending the school since CAI doesn't offer football anymore.
  5. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Jullian in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    Well, I think the result SHOULD influence rankings. BUT, in states where the NFL is king (California being a prime example), people think the KOC is akin to an NFL exhibition. It's a ridiculous assumption in many cases. But, many seem determined not to change their minds. 
  6. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to Jullian in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    Correct. Player to player but also “coach to neighborhood to player” a lot of ways to INITIATE transfers. There’s some on here that love these super teams. I think it’s ruined HSFB. 80% (if not higher) of teams in the state will have no chance of winning a state championship. 
  7. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to Jullian in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    KOC, first game to start the season, or scrimmage….Both teams will leave it all in the field. Both teams will be 0-0 after this game but don’t think for a second it won’t influence the national polls!!!!
  8. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Nulli Secundus in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    I'm pretty sure the Armwood-Norland game is a kickoff classic. But, I'm also pretty sure both teams will be playing their best to win. Hopefully the Section 104 boys can give us a stream!
  9. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Nulli Secundus in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    No Booker T?
    I think a season where Armwood goes unbeaten with most or all games being blowouts is going to be interesting. Their taking of most of Sumner's best players appears to be completely overlooked by most. I don't think people realize this may be the best Armwood team ever, based on raw talent. I just think folks who have no clue about the 2024 team will dismiss that claim out of hand.
  10. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Nulli Secundus in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    I think it'll be an ugly defensive struggle with a few big plays in between. No way to predict for sure until we see the actual rosters come August. I hear Lakeland will have many more transfers (central likely as well), but I can't know for sure. Some of the kids themselves may not even know! 
  11. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Nulli Secundus in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    It certainly figures to be an exciting year for our team! They should be strong as they head to Traz Powell to take on the Rockets, likely on ESPN.
  12. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Jullian in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    I'm pretty sure the Armwood-Norland game is a kickoff classic. But, I'm also pretty sure both teams will be playing their best to win. Hopefully the Section 104 boys can give us a stream!
  13. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from KeemD321 in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    I'm pretty sure the Armwood-Norland game is a kickoff classic. But, I'm also pretty sure both teams will be playing their best to win. Hopefully the Section 104 boys can give us a stream!
  14. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to Jullian in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    Agree. I’m in contact for years with a diehard Armwood fan & this year is their best team in quite awhile, if ever! Nice opener VS Norland will be a good one. 
  15. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Jullian in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    No Booker T?
    I think a season where Armwood goes unbeaten with most or all games being blowouts is going to be interesting. Their taking of most of Sumner's best players appears to be completely overlooked by most. I don't think people realize this may be the best Armwood team ever, based on raw talent. I just think folks who have no clue about the 2024 team will dismiss that claim out of hand.
  16. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from KeemD321 in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    No Booker T?
    I think a season where Armwood goes unbeaten with most or all games being blowouts is going to be interesting. Their taking of most of Sumner's best players appears to be completely overlooked by most. I don't think people realize this may be the best Armwood team ever, based on raw talent. I just think folks who have no clue about the 2024 team will dismiss that claim out of hand.
  17. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from THAT S--T WAS FUNNY in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    As you probably know, the rest of the state views Dade/Broward as a scary sort of foreign land (and those in Dade/Broward view the rest of the state as a scary sort of country bumpkin place). Most in Gainesville threw up their hands and quit bothering to get involved in Dade/Broward years ago. Public schools in the rest of the state are held to a different standard by many. Though there's no way to be sure how many transfers schools end up with until the school year literally starts.
  18. Thanks
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Jullian in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    As far as the rules and culture go, public schools now have an advantage over private schools in attracting players. Of course, the biggest, best private schools still have an overall advantage when you factor in the wealth of the student body/alumni. And those located right in the middle of dense urban areas have many more players to pick from within a reasonable driving distance.
    It looks like Venice was pissed to lose their starting RB. So, they turned in Booker. The player in question appeared headed to Lakeland for a time after leaving Booker. But, perhaps had a change of heart and felt the hassle wasn't worth it. 
  19. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from Jullian in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    As you probably know, the rest of the state views Dade/Broward as a scary sort of foreign land (and those in Dade/Broward view the rest of the state as a scary sort of country bumpkin place). Most in Gainesville threw up their hands and quit bothering to get involved in Dade/Broward years ago. Public schools in the rest of the state are held to a different standard by many. Though there's no way to be sure how many transfers schools end up with until the school year literally starts.
  20. Thanks
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from KeemD321 in Snap shot of Dade & Broward recruiting…..strike that, “Transfers”   
    As far as the rules and culture go, public schools now have an advantage over private schools in attracting players. Of course, the biggest, best private schools still have an overall advantage when you factor in the wealth of the student body/alumni. And those located right in the middle of dense urban areas have many more players to pick from within a reasonable driving distance.
    It looks like Venice was pissed to lose their starting RB. So, they turned in Booker. The player in question appeared headed to Lakeland for a time after leaving Booker. But, perhaps had a change of heart and felt the hassle wasn't worth it. 
  21. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from KeemD321 in ROLL CALL!!!!!   
    It certainly figures to be an exciting year for our team! They should be strong as they head to Traz Powell to take on the Rockets, likely on ESPN.
  22. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to Nulli Secundus in *Lack Of Full 2024 Schedules On Maxpreps*   
    I said this years ago and I'll say it again.  NO EXCUSE!!!  The FHSAA could've contracted this out.  Hell, they could've given a UF CompSci student an internship/co-op to create a simple database already linked to the FHSAA portal in which schools can enter and confirm schedules, FOR ALL SPORTS.  
    All schools reside in a database and can be parsed by year, then sport (ie, football, boys basketball, girls basketball, etc). If school A is going to play school C, school A enters their information and school C does the same.  If the information doesn't match in the system (non matching opponents, dates, time, home/away or whatever), that game is flagged for correction.  Compliance is not optional.  This is freshman year "intro to programming" and I know because I did this stuff back in 1994.  It pisses me off the the nth degree that such a talent rich State of Florida has such mediocre resources.  There's no reason why we have to wait on an external resource (MaxPreps) to post inaccurate and incomplete information.  There's no reason that this site (Thank you for everything @Joshua Wilson), @nolebull813, @THIS_IS_DILLARD or anyone else should have to look under rocks to find complete schedules.
    How does the FHSAA course correct?
  23. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to THIS_IS_DILLARD in *Lack Of Full 2024 Schedules On Maxpreps*   
    Something to most definitely think about. It’s just insane to me that in 2024 3-4 weeks b4 kick off , every high school complete schedule isn’t posted.
    What’s even crazier is that most head coaches/ AD’s already know and have the full schedule. For some reason in Florida they just wait the last minute to post. 
    unless you’re STA, Chaminade or American heritage.
  24. Like
    Longtime Observer reacted to Dr. D in *Lack Of Full 2024 Schedules On Maxpreps*   
    I have been thinking about this last post and want to offer a different slant.  For background, remember that the FHSAA had a 5-year agreement with MaxPreps from 2018-2022 which paid the FHSAA $85,000 annually to allow MaxPreps to serve as the exclusive provider for scores and statistics to the FHSAA.  I assume this contract has been renewed, and I'm guessing the details are hidden somewhere in the FHSAA financial archives, but I have been unable to unearth it at this time.  My point is MaxPreps could very well be paying the FHSAA to serve as its official platform, and not vice versa.  Why would MaxPreps do that? to drive online visits to its website and social media platforms, in order to sell more goods and services via its advertisers, and the advertising income that follows from that.  They also need the FHSAA to mandate that all scores be entered into MaxPreps, so its proprietary algorithm can be more "accurate".  I would consider this possible scenario when we are speculating on the motives of the FHSAA and MaxPreps.  Just my two cents. 
  25. Like
    Longtime Observer got a reaction from ExplorerHomer2 in *Lack Of Full 2024 Schedules On Maxpreps*   
    Schools are struggling to fill their schedules ahead of the end of the school year. Then summer break hits and folks are away, not updating documents etc.
    The always changing structure of playoff systems also means schools constantly have to reconsider how/who to schedule. Long-term alliances in scheduling aren't tenable, so each cycle amounts to almost starting from scratch.
    I imagine there's a deadline sometime in late July or early August where everything has to be in. But, before then, there is no incentive to update maxpreps until summer break is over.
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