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Nulli Secundus

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Nulli Secundus last won the day on July 20

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  1. You got it with the fines. Larger districts means a reduction in classes and/or district consolidation. Makes sense so it won't happen.
  3. I said this years ago and I'll say it again. NO EXCUSE!!! The FHSAA could've contracted this out. Hell, they could've given a UF CompSci student an internship/co-op to create a simple database already linked to the FHSAA portal in which schools can enter and confirm schedules, FOR ALL SPORTS. All schools reside in a database and can be parsed by year, then sport (ie, football, boys basketball, girls basketball, etc). If school A is going to play school C, school A enters their information and school C does the same. If the information doesn't match in the system (non matching opponents, dates, time, home/away or whatever), that game is flagged for correction. Compliance is not optional. This is freshman year "intro to programming" and I know because I did this stuff back in 1994. It pisses me off the the nth degree that such a talent rich State of Florida has such mediocre resources. There's no reason why we have to wait on an external resource (MaxPreps) to post inaccurate and incomplete information. There's no reason that this site (Thank you for everything @Joshua Wilson), @nolebull813, @THIS_IS_DILLARD or anyone else should have to look under rocks to find complete schedules. How does the FHSAA course correct?
  4. I can't believe the school year and football season is around the corner. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not overly excited. Maybe it's because in 2024 with all the technological immersion, we still don't have a single resource that has all the completed football schedules. While we wait on those completed schedules (which isn't guaranteed during or ever after the season), SOUND OFF and let everyone know that you're still here. Nulli here!
  5. For any in the know, is there any chance that the index gets an update this year? I hope he and his family are doing well. I hope the FHSF posters and your families are doing okay also.
  6. In the words of Chris Rainey...
  7. Independent contractors.... What will go wrong with this?
  8. Are you talking about NIL or the school voucher program?
  9. Even Jordan laughed in agreement
  10. Everyone, well a lot of programs want the instant notoriety that comes with of playing OOS. There was a time when those games happened between neighboring states that were close in proximity OR perennial powerhouses that had something to prove against other powerhouses. Now it's a free-for-all and it severely diminishes the worth of those games. I can respect Coach Castle for knowing when to risk it and when to sit his ass down, lol.
  11. I'll believe it when I see it.... Damn shame it even has to come to this.
  12. There's no sense in chasing pots of gold at the end of rainbow without proof or people willing to report "alleged" misconduct. Investigations cost money and those Max Preps checks only go so far, lol.
  13. I’m waiting for someone to blame this on Lakeland too.
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