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  1. I don't believe it is illegal as long as any bonus, supplement, perk, ect is coming from a booster club and not taxpayer money as part of the teacher salary or supplement.
  2. Agree with what you think mostly, except I'd use a 4 year average and only move the top team in each region up and bottom team in each region down based on that average. I think 4 years gives a better overall picture of a program.
  3. Florida is and always has been a low wage state, thanks in part to retirees who make up a significant portion of our population. The economy here is heavily service industry type jobs. Outside of healthcare related services, there just aren't that many high paying jobs. I tell people this when they first move here, don't be surprised to find the checkout clerk at the grocery store has a degree. It's been this way my whole life and I don't see it changing anytime soon. While I believe most people agree teacher salaries are low, in many parts of the state, it's above the average.
  4. What week is Fort Meade playing Freedom?
  5. https://highschool.si.com/florida/2024/02/20/hardee-brings-back-derren-bryan-for-second-stint-as-head-football-coach
  6. I see this happening on more than one occasion: One player transfers from school A to school B. Next thing you know, there's a mass exodus from school A to school B. Why's that? Did all those kids move? Is the new coach at school B a former coach at school A ?(Usually it is). Now school A is having trouble competing while school B is all of a sudden the new powerhouse.
  7. First off, comparing high school athletics to college is an apple to an orange. Colleges are supposed to recruit as they offer scholarships for coming to play for them. Secondly, the purpose of school choice was started for academic purposes, so parents can find the best option for their children. I personally support the concept, but what we see happening with athletics wasn't what school choice was intended for. As I stated earlier, I have no problem with a transfer when there is indeed a legitimate move. But what I have observed is certain schools poaching players from neighboring schools through one tactic or another.
  8. I don't know how it works in those counties with a centralized athletic department, like Hillsborough. Does a school have to get permission from their school board to go independent?
  9. Also I think the biggest loosers are the bottom feeder programs in metro areas.
  10. Which is why I'm in favor of leaving the FHSAA and going independent or forming another association
  11. Point is you can see we had parity before the current law. Rural schools aren't scared to play schools from metro areas when there was a level playing field. There's this myth that South Florida has always been the dominant area of the state when it comes to football. That's not exactly true. STA use to get to the championship but typically they'd lose. AHP use to never get past the first round, neither could Cardinal Gibbons. And other than 2004, I can't remember when Chaminade was all that. In fact the rise of these programs has been at the expense of other schools down there which are really struggling .
  12. Prior to 2010 how many titles did STA, AHP or Chaminade win? Likewise how many titles were won by some of those rural teams?
  13. Here's an article from 2020. It seems to me that FHSAA is quick to throw the book at some schools while turning a blind eye to others. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/sports/high-school/football/2020/04/06/prep-football-4-manatee-county-coaches-suspended-fined/1392288007/
  14. I never have had a problem when there is a legitimate bona fide move.
  15. Get rid of classification, districts, etc. Allow schools to play up to 12 regular season games, all games count so no more kick off classics. Make your schedule as difficult or easy as you want. Use a power ranking system based on SOS to rank all teams. The top 8 make the playoffs. Everyone else with 8 or more wins get a bowl game against a similarly ranked opponent.
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