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FHSAA out of control


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1 hour ago, Steinbrenner Warriors said:

They do announce the sportsmanship clauses at every game. Most refs usually are good about giving a warning to a player/coach. Not all do obviously. It does happen. I do think 6 games would be a bit much for cursing to the air if that is what happened

Unless, of course, the air had been taunting the coach throughout the game.  :P

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Yes, and I have heard and seen many antics form Robert Weiner. Most officials will let a lot of coaches behavior go, if It is not directly addressed to the official. If the cursing continues , the official might let the coach know "that is enough". That is a courtesy that most officials will give to coaches There might be other factors involved with the suspension, or it might be prior incidents with these coaches who got suspended. HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO BRING THIS UP? NONE OF US KNOW THE EXACT CIRUMSTANCES OF THE SUSPENSIONS!   

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6 hours ago, Steinbrenner Warriors said:

They do announce the sportsmanship clauses at every game. Most refs usually are good about giving a warning to a player/coach. Not all do obviously. It does happen. I do think 6 games would be a bit much for cursing to the air if that is what happened

None of us knows exactly what happened do we? That is my point. I have another question that I would hope that somebody would give and answer or a thought to.  HOW CAN WE EXPECT A 16-17 YEAR OLD CHILD TO ACT IN A CIVIL AND SPORTSMANLIKE MANNER WHEN MANY "ADULT" COACHES DO NOT ACT IN A CIVIL AND SPORTSMANLIKE MANNER?  

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12 hours ago, Jambun82 said:

None of us knows exactly what happened do we? That is my point. I have another question that I would hope that somebody would give and answer or a thought to.  HOW CAN WE EXPECT A 16-17 YEAR OLD CHILD TO ACT IN A CIVIL AND SPORTSMANLIKE MANNER WHEN MANY "ADULT" COACHES DO NOT ACT IN A CIVIL AND SPORTSMANLIKE MANNER?  

Passionate people do not act like the carbon copy of rule book.  If you have no passion for football, don't coach it or play it. 

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I understand the reason for the rules and a personal foul would suffice; multiple infractions could entail stronger penalty.  But what i would like to take issue with the "How do we expect 16-17 year old kids to act, if leaders act that way."  True, adults should show control, but some people are of the perception that today's kids, today's generation is operating under the same social rules that were generally accepted and taught just 10-20 years ago.  Situations can turn into absolute chaos, total mob mentality in seconds.......have you ever tried to restain, tamp down, stop chaos??????? You have two choices: either let it continue to escalate and erupt or you can do something to try and "break that frenzy."  Again, I am not saying the coach example here is specifically relevant to my comments, but until you can deal with that on a daily basis, then I would reserve judgement.  More than likely these coaches have had to "respond" in this manner to regain control of a situation in their daily dealings......you don't have to agree, you just may want to consider a different perspective.

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9 hours ago, STILL KRUNK said:

I understand the reason for the rules and a personal foul would suffice; multiple infractions could entail stronger penalty.  But what i would like to take issue with the "How do we expect 16-17 year old kids to act, if leaders act that way."  True, adults should show control, but some people are of the perception that today's kids, today's generation is operating under the same social rules that were generally accepted and taught just 10-20 years ago.  Situations can turn into absolute chaos, total mob mentality in seconds.......have you ever tried to restain, tamp down, stop chaos??????? You have two choices: either let it continue to escalate and erupt or you can do something to try and "break that frenzy."  Again, I am not saying the coach example here is specifically relevant to my comments, but until you can deal with that on a daily basis, then I would reserve judgement.  More than likely these coaches have had to "respond" in this manner to regain control of a situation in their daily dealings......you don't have to agree, you just may want to consider a different perspective.

The perspective that I consider if that coaches are leaders of young men and women, and should act accordingly. About 95% do act in that manner.  It is the other 5% that are worrisome. I am around young people a lot, they are no different now then they were many years. It is all how they are taught and raised that makes the difference.

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3 hours ago, Jambun82 said:

The perspective that I consider if that coaches are leaders of young men and women, and should act accordingly. About 95% do act in that manner.  It is the other 5% that are worrisome. I am around young people a lot, they are no different now then they were many years. It is all how they are taught and raised that makes the difference.

LOL...Way different

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On 11/1/2019 at 10:57 PM, Jambun82 said:

The perspective that I consider if that coaches are leaders of young men and women, and should act accordingly. About 95% do act in that manner.  It is the other 5% that are worrisome. I am around young people a lot, they are no different now then they were many years. It is all how they are taught and raised that makes the difference.

If you mean different in that they do some of the same stupid things we did and have a bulletproof mentality, can be a smart ass and some just disrespectful  - sure how and adolescent acts has not changed.  What HAS changed is how society has coddled it, made excuses for it, how we are allowed to deal with it.  Because its not dealt with or frowned upon, we deal with situations of underdeveloped thinking and skills(particularly (social) of adolescences which do not know how to handle situations or cant find authority anywhere of note and the acting out, the behavior perpetuates, it feeds the snowball and where many "back in the day" would veer away from "unacceptable behavior" if they were "on the fence of mischief and disrespect," they will continue it because of the lack of consequences; it is even celebrated. Its not that it never existed, it that there is more of it, more common.

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7 hours ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

What is this thread turning into



This isn't a political or society board it's a football board, if this continues to stay off topic then it's going to the off topic section

It is turning into Columbia football.  Once was a good thread and now its garbage.  :lol:

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10 hours ago, STILL KRUNK said:

If you mean different in that they do some of the same stupid things we did and have a bulletproof mentality, can be a smart ass and some just disrespectful  - sure how and adolescent acts has not changed.  What HAS changed is how society has coddled it, made excuses for it, how we are allowed to deal with it.  Because its not dealt with or frowned upon, we deal with situations of underdeveloped thinking and skills(particularly (social) of adolescences which do not know how to handle situations or cant find authority anywhere of note and the acting out, the behavior perpetuates, it feeds the snowball and where many "back in the day" would veer away from "unacceptable behavior" if they were "on the fence of mischief and disrespect," they will continue it because of the lack of consequences; it is even celebrated. Its not that it never existed, it that there is more of it, more common.

I believe that I am trying to say the same thing but in a different way. A lot of the high school children that I encounter are very respectful ,and decent. I think that is how they are raised and taught. I admit that I don't see or deal with them as much as parents, teachers, or coaches, but I enjoy talking with them when they ask rules questions, or ask to look for something on the field of play. A great majority of coaches are also respectful and decent, the coaches who have constant problems with acting in this way are the coaches who are being suspended I believe.

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8 hours ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

What is this thread turning into



This isn't a political or society board it's a football board, if this continues to stay off topic then it's going to the off topic section

Fine,  but then I ask you to keep your political opinions to yourself. Or stop complaining about the current state Legislature when low coaching pay in the state of Florida has been an issue a lot longer then the 21 years that you have been alive.

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4 minutes ago, Jambun82 said:

Fine,  but then I ask you to keep your political opinions to yourself. Or stop complaining about the current state Legislature when low coaching pay in the state of Florida has been an issue a lot longer then the 21 years that you have been alive.

The people in the state legislation are grown men


My issue in this thread was the bashing of kids with stereotyping and generalization 


But let me guess, you think young people are everything wrong in the world but all adults are perfect, smh

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Also i bet if i went back and looked my bringing up the state legislation will have something to do with the topic at hand


This topic was about FHSAA and their questionable logic for suspensions, how this turns into "kids not having social development skills"


What does that have anything to do with the FHSAA and them choosing what warrants a suspension and what doesn't?

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4 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

The people in the state legislation are grown men


My issue in this thread was the bashing of kids with stereotyping and generalization 


But let me guess, you think young people are everything wrong in the world but all adults are perfect, smh

Well, since I just brought up that most of the young people that I deal with are decent and respectful, and I have stated that I believe that most young people learn their behavior from examples set by adults, I would guess that you are wrong in your assessment of me. I often defend young people, because I believe that most children learn from and mimic actions by adults who should know better and set the proper example.

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3 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Also i bet if i went back and looked my bringing up the state legislation will have something to do with the topic at hand


This topic was about FHSAA and their questionable logic for suspensions, how this turns into "kids not having social development skills"


What does that have anything to do with the FHSAA and them choosing what warrants a suspension and what doesn't?

It has to do with a respectful discussion that I am having with some other posters to this message board, some of them I believe to be coaches, about coaches being suspended, and how I believe that coaches should set the proper example for the young people in their care. I have found that when coaches are respectful, their players are as well, if coaches are not respectful, their players are usually not as well. That was my point. It has everything to do with high school football with a greater emphasis on the wider society as a whole.

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Just now, Jambun82 said:

Well, since I just brought up that most of the young people that I deal with are decent and respectful, and I have stated that I believe that most young people learn their behavior from examples set by adults, I would guess that you are wrong in your assessment of me. I often defend young people, because I believe that most children learn from and mimic actions by adults who should know better and set the proper example.

Well then I apologize for assuming that you felt extreme negativity towards younger people, i got the wrong impression when you took a extremely defensive stance to me questioning whether this discussion was tip toeing a line of off topic and moving too far away from the main topic



I will admit i sometimes digress and go off topic but I realize later it was poor judgement and i regret the decision, sometimes it's easy to get off topic real easy and i have been trying to work and improve on past mistakes and be a better poster and a better moderator 

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1 minute ago, Jambun82 said:

It has to do with a respectful discussion that I am having with some other posters to this message board, some of them I believe to be coaches, about coaches being suspended, and how I believe that coaches should set the proper example for the young people in their care. I have found that when coaches are respectful, their players are as well, if coaches are not respectful, their players are usually not as well. That was my point. It has everything to do with high school football with a greater emphasis on the wider society as a whole.

Fair enough 


I may have jumped the gun a bit here, my apologies


You may carry on as you were 

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12 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Well then I apologize for assuming that you felt extreme negativity towards younger people, i got the wrong impression when you took a extremely defensive stance to me questioning whether this discussion was tip toeing a line of off topic and moving too far away from the main topic



I will admit i sometimes digress and go off topic but I realize later it was poor judgement and i regret the decision, sometimes it's easy to get off topic real easy and i have been trying to work and improve on past mistakes and be a better poster and a better moderator 

No problem for me.

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Hey sorry i missed the party.  Me and Jambun just talking and don't assume because we talk about "society" and "respectful/disrespectful generation" we/or atleast i(cant speak for the Jambun) I am making a political statement, CHS. relax, it a forum, we discuss, have are agreements, flesh out our disagreement, agree to disagree.  That is what adults are suppose to do, right Jambun?  

I agree adult should be the example, and i agree this may not have been done as well as it should have been, as a societal whole.  I guess i am "We are where we are" kinda thing.  i make no excuse for the coach or his actions, i do know that most coaches are dealing, with maybe the same issues as years past, but more prevalent is the deviant behavior.

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1 hour ago, STILL KRUNK said:

Hey sorry i missed the party.  Me and Jambun just talking and don't assume because we talk about "society" and "respectful/disrespectful generation" we/or atleast i(cant speak for the Jambun) I am making a political statement, CHS. relax, it a forum, we discuss, have are agreements, flesh out our disagreement, agree to disagree.  That is what adults are suppose to do, right Jambun?  

I agree adult should be the example, and i agree this may not have been done as well as it should have been, as a societal whole.  I guess i am "We are where we are" kinda thing.  i make no excuse for the coach or his actions, i do know that most coaches are dealing, with maybe the same issues as years past, but more prevalent is the deviant behavior.

No worries, i just wanted to make sure I was on top of it because in the past I gave a lot of leeway and things that breached into similar topics got out of hand too easily but your free to carry on as you were 

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7 hours ago, STILL KRUNK said:

Hey sorry i missed the party.  Me and Jambun just talking and don't assume because we talk about "society" and "respectful/disrespectful generation" we/or atleast i(cant speak for the Jambun) I am making a political statement, CHS. relax, it a forum, we discuss, have are agreements, flesh out our disagreement, agree to disagree.  That is what adults are suppose to do, right Jambun?  

I agree adult should be the example, and i agree this may not have been done as well as it should have been, as a societal whole.  I guess i am "We are where we are" kinda thing.  i make no excuse for the coach or his actions, i do know that most coaches are dealing, with maybe the same issues as years past, but more prevalent is the deviant behavior.

That is correct STILL KRUNK.

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