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 It’s perfectly fine.  The community is majority Hispanic and a lot of the people in the community work or have worked with cotton. 

 Picking cotton was so significant in this particular community that they decided to name their local high school mascot after it. 

 They don’t view it as a racial slur.  They do not find racism where there isn’t any. 

 If you are not butt ass naked as you read this, thank a cotton picker. 

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I read this team has had this name for many decades.  Apparently the name is deeply rooted in the area's history.  

Pompano Beach High used to be known as the Beanpickers.  Cairo, GA, the home town of Jackie Robinson, is still known as the Syrupmakers.  That mascot was lauded by ESPN.  Look up some of the old labels used by companies from that area and you might be surprised and/or offended by the stereotyping of African Americans.

There are quite a few team names out there that stereotype. Do a search for offensive mascots on the internet and you might be surprised.  


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Sometimes, words or symbols that were perfectly innocent when first coined or used inadvertently become inappropriate later in time because of some intervening acts.   Take the swastika, for example.   This symbol pre-dated its use by Nazi Germany by many years (if not decades).  But, because a very hateful person and political party used it in the 1930's and 40's, it has come to symbolize hate, prejudice and the sins and atrocities of Hitler and Nazi Germany.  

Similarly, the restaurant chain "Sambo's" recently decided to change its name based on current racial overtones, even though the original name of the restaurant innocently was based on the names of the two founders:  Sam and Bo. 

We're seeing similar changes being made across the nation to names and logos ranging from sports teams to pancake syrup. 

In the case of Robstown High School, it sounds like the "Cottonpickers" name/mascot has a perfectly innocent, if not proud, origin.  However, it would be hard to argue that the term doesn't currently have racial overtones. 

Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you did nothing wrong and that circumstances have now rendered your name or mascot 'offensive' to a portion of the population.   When this happens, you have two choices:  bite the bullet and change the name/logo or, alternatively, dig your feet in and, over time, be perceived as racist even if you're not. 

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I have found that it is always better to stand firmly on your beliefs and not cower or cater to the woke mob. 

If the leaders in that community, and residents in that community as a whole don’t find anything wrong with it, then I respect their decision. 

I would not respect cowardice. If they change their name I would feel like they have rescinded any shred of integrity and they would be forever stained as cowards. 

that may be strong language and a harsh opinion, but one thing I can’t tolerate is cowardice in the face of adversity. I really hope that they do the right thing and that’s continue to do nothing different or out of the ordinary. 

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18 hours ago, nolebull813 said:

I have found that it is always better to stand firmly on your beliefs and not cower or cater to the woke mob. 

If the leaders in that community, and residents in that community as a whole don’t find anything wrong with it, then I respect their decision. 

I would not respect cowardice. If they change their name I would feel like they have rescinded any shred of integrity and they would be forever stained as cowards. 

that may be strong language and a harsh opinion, but one thing I can’t tolerate is cowardice in the face of adversity. I really hope that they do the right thing and that’s continue to do nothing different or out of the ordinary. 

In this new age of pandering to the demands of the loudest group, the weakest among us have decided that it is more beneficial to them to "overlook" the acts of criminals and allow them to destroy the lives and property of people who never did them any harm. It's hard to determine who are the bigger cowards, the ones that pander or the ones that are destructive. 

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3 hours ago, HornetFan said:

In this new age of pandering to the demands of the loudest group, the weakest among us have decided that it is more beneficial to them to "overlook" the acts of criminals and allow them to destroy the lives and property of people who never did them any harm. It's hard to determine who are the bigger cowards, the ones that pander or the ones that are destructive. 

Both are cowards. Not sure the biggest. Some people cave to the mob out of fear of violence and terrorism. I don’t necessarily find people like that cowards. They could just be weak with no defense. 

everyone should have a gun now.lol

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18 hours ago, nolebull813 said:

Both are cowards. Not sure the biggest. Some people cave to the mob out of fear of violence and terrorism. I don’t necessarily find people like that cowards. They could just be weak with no defense. 

everyone should have a gun now.lol

Already have mine.

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