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19 minutes ago, VeniceIndianFan said:

Anyone outside the top 30 in Florida would lose by 35+ to Chaminade or Central 

I agree, not sure how much they lose by, but I'm sure a lot of Florida teams not in the top 30 would get running clocked by either Miami or Chaminade. Good chance if your not top 250 in the nation you're gonna get beat bad. 

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2 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

I agree, not sure how much they lose by, but I'm sure a lot of Florida teams not in the top 30 would get running clocked by either Miami or Chaminade. Good chance if your not top 250 in the nation you're gonna get beat bad. 

Hope to see Cocoa play Venice and STA (at home!) again, next year. Venice vs Cocoa on ESPN would be a great money-maker for both schools! 

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8 hours ago, THIS_IS_DILLARD said:

It’s not the fact of the championship not being enough. But when you’re disrespectful & cocky with it & talking nothing but cash sh*t as if you’re unbeatable, when you do take those “L’s” you can’t feel a way when you get that same treatment you dish out when you’re on the winning end. 

dade county schools are known historically for disrespecting everyone. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Even played against it. I guarantee you had central won last night it would’ve been a bunch of insane disrespect. 

fu*k broward county etc etc. 

why would we say that when everybody who matter on they team from dade? thats crazy my boy

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46 minutes ago, DarterBlue2 said:

They would hold their own. But I feel this STA team loses to both Central and Chaminade. But we will never know. 

Where I’m confused at is when did this thread become a debate about what Florida schools would be able to beat or stay close to chaminade or central ? 

the greatness of these two were never in question. Nor was the fact of them being able to beat 95% of this state wasn’t in question either. 

this thread was about MIAMI CENTRAL. B4 this season started they roared & beat  their chest & said were the KINGS OF FLORIDA & now we’re gonna prove that we’re the BEST in the nation. 

Not only did they lose their OOS test, they now have also lost in state & now hoist a (1-2) record. 

are they still great ? YES , will they most likely run through 2M again & 5 Pete ? YES , with all that said central got humbled & that’s okay. 

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1 minute ago, THIS_IS_DILLARD said:

Where am I’m confused at is when did this thread became a debate about what Florida schools would be able to beat or stay close to chaminade or central ? 

the greatness of these two were never in question. Nor was the fact of them being able to beat 95% of this state wasn’t in question either. 

this thread was about MIAMI CENTRAL. B4 this season started they roared, bested their chest & said were the KINGS OF FLORIDA & now we’re gonna prove we’re the BEST in the nation. 

Not only did they lose their OOS test, now they have also lost in state & now hoist a (1-2) record. 

ate they still great ? YES , will they most likely run through 2M again & 5 Pete ? YES , with all that said central got humbled & that’s okay. 

I'll stay on topic next time

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16 hours ago, THIS_IS_DILLARD said:

Where I’m confused at is when did this thread become a debate about what Florida schools would be able to beat or stay close to chaminade or central ? 

the greatness of these two were never in question. Nor was the fact of them being able to beat 95% of this state wasn’t in question either. 

this thread was about MIAMI CENTRAL. B4 this season started they roared & beat  their chest & said were the KINGS OF FLORIDA & now we’re gonna prove that we’re the BEST in the nation. 

Not only did they lose their OOS test, they now have also lost in state & now hoist a (1-2) record. 

are they still great ? YES , will they most likely run through 2M again & 5 Pete ? YES , with all that said central got humbled & that’s okay. 

FAM YOU WAS THE MAIN ONE HYPING THEM PPL! I think Im da only one who said the BTW & NORLAND would be just as good, they took a L to a good team & they still have good teams to go. Game could’ve went either way & you still got a fairly young team at central. They gon be ight

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Just now, cribboy305 said:

FAM YOU WAS THE MAIN ONE HYPING THEM PPL! I think Im da only one who said the BTW & NORLAND would be just as good, they took a L to a good team & they still have good teams to go. Game could’ve went either way & you still got a fairly young team at central. They gon be ight

Of course they’re gonna be alright. But I think you got me confused with @VeniceIndianFan because I was the main one saying from day 1 that adding all them transfers don’t mean nothing on paper if it don’t equate to wins on the field.

when they had that subpar effort vs vanguard I was the main one saying central better get it together b4 week 1 or they would lose that game (which they did).

When ever I said something it was “I was hating/throwing shade”

when I was the first one to say with everything central got on paper if they Take any L’s this season it would be an embarrassment. 

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I know i'm a little late but lets not act like chaminade did not get the benefit of a early whistle because floyd bounced off them boys and was headed to the houseand i respect central coach for not bringing that up and trying to taint a good game but the refs were to quick on that play they gave chaminade recievers more time to fight for yards just saying that play right there

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10 hours ago, Rocket Fan said:

I know i'm a little late but lets not act like chaminade did not get the benefit of a early whistle because floyd bounced off them boys and was headed to the houseand i respect central coach for not bringing that up and trying to taint a good game but the refs were to quick on that play they gave chaminade recievers more time to fight for yards just saying that play right there

What are you talking about? 

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On 9/22/2023 at 11:02 PM, DarterBlue2 said:

They would hold their own. But I feel this STA team loses to both Central and Chaminade. But we will never know. 

DarterBlue2, if you have a problem with me and what I have to say, how about answering my questions, talking to me like a man instead of avoiding me, and making faces at my comments? 

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