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2020 High School Football season outlook

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Does anyone actually know what is going on with Florida HS football right now? According to the FHSAA non contact practices begin July 27 with contact practices beginning August 1. I don't see anything on the FHSAA website about summer activity with the exception that the CDC and State Government are the determining factors. Anyone on this forum have an idea if and when summer activity will be resumed and if resumed whether that activity will be hampered by all of the stringent policies brought forth by this virus?

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2 hours ago, Proseteye said:

Does anyone actually know what is going on with Florida HS football right now? According to the FHSAA non contact practices begin July 27 with contact practices beginning August 1. I don't see anything on the FHSAA website about summer activity with the exception that the CDC and State Government are the determining factors. Anyone on this forum have an idea if and when summer activity will be resumed and if resumed whether that activity will be hampered by all of the stringent policies brought forth by this virus?

It is up to each individual county.   Osceola county will start June 15th.  I know of some starting June 8th.



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11 hours ago, Proseteye said:

Does anyone actually know what is going on with Florida HS football right now? According to the FHSAA non contact practices begin July 27 with contact practices beginning August 1. I don't see anything on the FHSAA website about summer activity with the exception that the CDC and State Government are the determining factors. Anyone on this forum have an idea if and when summer activity will be resumed and if resumed whether that activity will be hampered by all of the stringent policies brought forth by this virus?

The FHSAA never gives summer workout guidelines or dates except that 1st day of practice is always around last week of July and before that can't use a football, sleds things like that.  Summer is district based with working out and conditioning. Of course, doing team 7s tournaments and things get you around some of the using football rules.  That will be more interesting with colleges cancelling team camps and tournaments.  I believe some districts already said that their schools can start lifting mid June though.  

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10 hours ago, blystr2002 said:

The FHSAA never gives summer workout guidelines or dates except that 1st day of practice is always around last week of July and before that can't use a football, sleds things like that.  Summer is district based with working out and conditioning. Of course, doing team 7s tournaments and things get you around some of the using football rules.  That will be more interesting with colleges cancelling team camps and tournaments.  I believe some districts already said that their schools can start lifting mid June though.  

you can use a football in the summer.  They have gotten rid of that rule

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On 5/31/2020 at 12:45 AM, blystr2002 said:

The FHSAA never gives summer workout guidelines or dates except that 1st day of practice is always around last week of July and before that can't use a football, sleds things like that.  Summer is district based with working out and conditioning. Of course, doing team 7s tournaments and things get you around some of the using football rules.  That will be more interesting with colleges cancelling team camps and tournaments.  I believe some districts already said that their schools can start lifting mid June though.  

I also read or heard that teams were not going to be allowed to take showers or congregate in the locker room after their workouts or practices. This surely carries insanity to its final conclusion if it is actually true. Wonder if they are going to have to wear masks and surgical gloves when they are working out. :wacko:

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9 hours ago, Proseteye said:

I also read or heard that teams were not going to be allowed to take showers or congregate in the locker room after their workouts or practices. This surely carries insanity to its final conclusion if it is actually true. Wonder if they are going to have to wear masks and surgical gloves when they are working out. :wacko:

If they have no health conditions that make it impossible to wear a mask then I don't see why the hell not


It's not fair to potentially pass the virus to someone else because someone feels "inconvenienced" by wearing a mask and gloves don't hurt anyone so taking extra precautions there are fair and necessary


I would have worn a damn hazmat suit to every game if it could have saved the spring season

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1 hour ago, TRAJAN01 said:

Wakulla started working out yesterday.  They're working JV in the morning and varsity in the afternoon is what I heard....

Wakulla is usually a pretty solid program year to year (probably more consistent than any the other teams in Tallahassee area lately)


Do they bring back enough of their team to be able to have another season like last year?

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22 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Wakulla is usually a pretty solid program year to year (probably more consistent than any the other teams in Tallahassee area lately)


Do they bring back enough of their team to be able to have another season like last year?

They lost some key players but are returning some very good players.  The JV was undefeated last year until the last game against Lincoln.  In that game they had brought up quite a few guys to varsity and still only lost by a touchdown I think...so they are bringing up some good players off JV as well.  Replacing QB Jaylon Worsham will be tough but they have an outstanding replacement in Desmond Green.  I'm expecting them to be very good again this year.  They are supposed to open up with Thomas County Central out of Georgia on August 21st.

They have two middle schools that feed the high school.  Both of them went undefeated until they played each other at the end of the year.  The winner of that game played Suwannee for their "championship" and they blasted Suwannee...so the talent moving up to JV is very good as well. 

I'm just hoping we all get to have a normal football season!

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42 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

If they have no health conditions that make it impossible to wear a mask then I don't see why the hell not


It's not fair to potentially pass the virus to someone else because someone feels "inconvenienced" by wearing a mask and gloves don't hurt anyone so taking extra precautions there are fair and necessary


I would have worn a damn hazmat suit to every game if it could have saved the spring season

Get serious, please. How is any player going to wear a medical face mask to either practice or during a game? And, not showering is the height of being unsanitary. Talk about passing on disease. :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, Proseteye said:

Get serious, please. How is any player going to wear a medical face mask to either practice or during a game? And, not showering is the height of being unsanitary. Talk about passing on disease. :ph34r:

Then maybe it's still not safe enough for them to be trying to play 


Playing the spring sports wouldn't have 25% of the risks that playing football will have, this goes to show they are giving football special treatment because it makes more money which is probably why our government has made it clear they prioritize the economy more than human lives 

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5 minutes ago, badbird said:

Guys Covid went away.  It no longer exists.  We have moved on to Police brutality.  Unfortunately we didn't focus our attentions on that and have moved on to rioting and looting.  Next week it will be something else to divide us.

It stuck around just long enough to screw over thousands of high school seniors across the country but hey football never suffers from anything :rolleyes::ph34r:


Just what it is I suppose, if sports like baseball and softball made the money football does for their school they probably would have gotten the special treatment that football is getting since they will potentially risk a second major outbreak that could end winter and spring sports just to make sure all the football programs get their chance to operate since most cases it's the only sport that these schools really care about anyway 

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On 6/2/2020 at 2:02 PM, badbird said:

Guys Covid went away.  It no longer exists.  We have moved on to Police brutality.  Unfortunately we didn't focus our attentions on that and have moved on to rioting and looting.  Next week it will be something else to divide us.

Coach, we are in a bad place. I have seen this before. It does not end well. I hope I am wrong. 

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54 minutes ago, DarterBlue2 said:

Coach, we are in a bad place. I have seen this before. It does not end well. I hope I am wrong. 

It is sad.  All I see people doing is deflecting.  Instead of trying to fix the problem that exists they deflect to something else.  It's never ending.  

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5 hours ago, DarterBlue2 said:

Coach, we are in a bad place. I have seen this before. It does not end well. I hope I am wrong. 


4 hours ago, badbird said:

It is sad.  All I see people doing is deflecting.  Instead of trying to fix the problem that exists they deflect to something else.  It's never ending.  

Hopefully, there can be some kind of Police reform. Police need to understand that they are public servants first, and I think that we have all had our eyes opened throughout this whole terrible ordeal. The peaceful protesters  are doing a wonderful job exercising their First Amendment rights, and it is refreshing to hear their point-of-view. I don't know what it is like to be black, but I feel that I am learning a lot hearing and reading from our African-American citizens.

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1 hour ago, Jambun82 said:


Hopefully, there can be some kind of Police reform. Police need to understand that they are public servants first, and I think that we have all had our eyes opened throughout this whole terrible ordeal. The peaceful protesters  are doing a wonderful job exercising their First Amendment rights, and it is refreshing to hear their point-of-view. I don't know what it is like to be black, but I feel that I am learning a lot hearing and reading from our African-American citizens.

Ref, that is only part of the problem. A general frustration has been building within the country over at  least the last 30-years of which what you refer to is only part of the issue. Wages for all working people have not kept pace with the cost of essential items, and good jobs with decent benefits have become increasingly scarce due to the de-industrialization of the country. While this may have affected people of color to a greater degree, it has affected all of working class America. Hence, the decline in expected life among the population in general. 

I believe that the demonstrations reflect this in addition to the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Mr. Floyd.  The Coronavirus and our response has only exacerbated what has been brewing for a long time.  

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6 hours ago, DarterBlue2 said:

Ref, that is only part of the problem. A general frustration has been building within the country over at  least the last 30-years of which what you refer to is only part of the issue. Wages for all working people have not kept pace with the cost of essential items, and good jobs with decent benefits have become increasingly scarce due to the de-industrialization of the country. While this may have affected people of color to a greater degree, it has affected all of working class America. Hence, the decline in expected life among the population in general. 

I believe that the demonstrations reflect this in addition to the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Mr. Floyd.  The Coronavirus and our response has only exacerbated what has been brewing for a long time.  

No doubt we have problems.  As Americans, we have incredibly high expectations out of life.  Having spent time in other countries and seeing how simply some others live, I think at least part of our "misery" is our due to disappointment over the ways we think things "should" be.  That's not to say what is going on in our country at this time is fair or right, but I come across a lot of miserable people who still have food on the table and a car in the driveway. 

As I have gotten older, I have lowered my expectations and found myself to be a lot happier.  That includes my expectation of people.  We are all very flawed individuals.  Getting outraged over the actions of others...I have to constantly remind myself how irrational it is to think that others are going to live by my standards and expectations.  That is not to say that certain behaviors are not worthy of protest.  But being in a constant stew over it does nothing but cause me to be miserable.  Being in such a state of self-pity can cause me to be overly selfish, and miss those opportunities where I might truly be able to make a difference in the world..such as helping a brother or sister in need.   

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolLion said:

No doubt we have problems.  As Americans, we have incredibly high expectations out of life.  Having spent time in other countries and seeing how simply some others live, I think at least part of our "misery" is our due to disappointment over the ways we think things "should" be.  That's not to say what is going on in our country at this time is fair or right, but I come across a lot of miserable people who still have food on the table and a car in the driveway. 

As I have gotten older, I have lowered my expectations and found myself to be a lot happier.  That includes my expectation of people.  We are all very flawed individuals.  Getting outraged over the actions of others...I have to constantly remind myself how irrational it is to think that others are going to live by my standards and expectations.  That is not to say that certain behaviors are not worthy of protest.  But being in a constant stew over it does nothing but cause me to be miserable.  Being in such a state of self-pity can cause me to be overly selfish, and miss those opportunities where I might truly be able to make a difference in the world..such as helping a brother or sister in need.   

If our malaise were shared, I would not be pissed. But it is not. The maldistribution of wealth in contemporary USA, is off the charts. There are far fewer beggars on the streets of Shanghai or Bijing than they are in the USA. Of course, most people here don't realize this. But I have been fortunate enough to travel, and I have seen a lot. 

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8 hours ago, DarterBlue2 said:

If our malaise were shared, I would not be pissed. But it is not. The maldistribution of wealth in contemporary USA, is off the charts. There are far fewer beggars on the streets of Shanghai or Bijing than they are in the USA. Of course, most people here don't realize this. But I have been fortunate enough to travel, and I have seen a lot. 

I hear you, Darter.  But many(not all) people live in poverty due to their own life choices.  One can rise from extreme poverty to reasonable wealth with a little discipline. My father lived through the Great Depression and was dirt poor, never made more than a meager salary his entire life, but became a very wealthy man before he died.  He lived a spartan existence his entire life.  No matter how much money he had, you would think he was down to his last penny.    

Many Americans today have no idea what it means to live without and to be really poor.  Today I hear about "poor" hs football players weighing 300+ pounds.  What's wrong with that picture?  My father looked he was in a concentration camp as a teenager due to lack of food.

Never once in my life did I ever hear him complain about unequal distribution of wealth or be pissed about what the "other guy" had and he didn't.  He returned to the States from war as a skeleton, yet never talked about what life owed him and how bad it sucked that he nearly lost his life in combat and did not have a pot to piss in while others who didn't had so much more.  

So, what's the lesson here?  I am convinced he was successful because he spent every ounce of his energy focusing on what he could do in life and did not waste any of his energy being envious of what others had, regardless of circumstances.   







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21 hours ago, DarterBlue2 said:

Ref, that is only part of the problem. A general frustration has been building within the country over at  least the last 30-years of which what you refer to is only part of the issue. Wages for all working people have not kept pace with the cost of essential items, and good jobs with decent benefits have become increasingly scarce due to the de-industrialization of the country. While this may have affected people of color to a greater degree, it has affected all of working class America. Hence, the decline in expected life among the population in general. 

I believe that the demonstrations reflect this in addition to the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Mr. Floyd.  The Coronavirus and our response has only exacerbated what has been brewing for a long time.  

I don't know who "Ref" is,  but your point about many jobs with benefits disappearing makes my point about public servants I believe. Police Officers, or any public servant who works for any level of Government, and collects a taxpayer-funded salary, have a obligation to the public that they serve to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner.  

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This video with Trevor Noah really hit hard on how society is in America. You can watch the entire 18 minute video but he hits home after the 8 minute mark of the video.


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