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2020 High School Football season outlook

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8 hours ago, Jambun82 said:

I don't know who "Ref" is,  but your point about many jobs with benefits disappearing makes my point about public servants I believe. Police Officers, or any public servant who works for any level of Government, and collects a taxpayer-funded salary, have a obligation to the public that they serve to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner.  

I used Ref (referee) because you are part of the officiating crew. I meant no insult. Regarding the police, they reflect the training they receive and the general perception they have towards the population they are supposed to serve. Back in the late 1990s, I took a well paid civilian job with the Sheriff's office of one of the Central Florida counties. Despite great benefits and a 40 hour workweek, I left that job after six months, and returned to my former employer (sixty hour workweeks and all with no overtime). I did so because I found the attitude that was pervasive there towards poor people in general, and people of color specifically, was difficult for me to deal with.  And this attitude was pervasive, it included almost all the deputies as those of color were not exempt. 

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9 minutes ago, DarterBlue2 said:

I used Ref (referee) because you are part of the officiating crew. I meant no insult. Regarding the police, they reflect the training they receive and the general perception they have towards the population they are supposed to serve. Back in the late 1990s, I took a well paid civilian job with the Sheriff's office of one of the Central Florida counties. Despite great benefits and a 40 hour workweek, I left that job after six months, and returned to my former employer (sixty hour workweeks and all with no overtime). I did so because I found the attitude that was pervasive there towards poor people in general, and people of color specifically, was difficult for me to deal with.  And this attitude was pervasive, it included almost all the deputies as those of color were not exempt. 

As you observed, I am sure, there is a macho culture that exists in law enforcement and the fire service.  It impacts attitudes toward everything.  About 25 years ago, I knew a young lady who was a firefighter.  She was injured in the line of duty, so she paid her dues. She was a married woman and worked throughout a pregnancy.   The firehouse, which was in a major metro area, did not have coed bathrooms.  You would think the guys would have some sensitivity for a veteran pregnant woman, right?  They were so cruel and did such heinous things to that pregnant woman, she ended up leaving the fire service.   

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15 hours ago, OldSchoolLion said:

I hear you, Darter.  But many(not all) people live in poverty due to their own life choices.  One can rise from extreme poverty to reasonable wealth with a little discipline. My father lived through the Great Depression and was dirt poor, never made more than a meager salary his entire life, but became a very wealthy man before he died.  He lived a spartan existence his entire life.  No matter how much money he had, you would think he was down to his last penny.    

Many Americans today have no idea what it means to live without and to be really poor.  Today I hear about "poor" hs football players weighing 300+ pounds.  What's wrong with that picture?  My father looked he was in a concentration camp as a teenager due to lack of food.

Never once in my life did I ever hear him complain about unequal distribution of wealth or be pissed about what the "other guy" had and he didn't.  He returned to the States from war as a skeleton, yet never talked about what life owed him and how bad it sucked that he nearly lost his life in combat and did not have a pot to piss in while others who didn't had so much more.  

So, what's the lesson here?  I am convinced he was successful because he spent every ounce of his energy focusing on what he could do in life and did not waste any of his energy being envious of what others had, regardless of circumstances.   







But the idea of the USA as some sort of near meritocracy is a myth. What you say is less the case today than it was 40-50 years ago.

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1 hour ago, HornetFan said:

I thought "The Huddle" was supposed to be for HS football topics. 

Well that's why I made the topic I did, but very few people took advantage of the opportunity to discuss football in this case but football really isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things right now 

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32 minutes ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Well that's why I made the topic I did, but very few people took advantage of the opportunity to discuss football in this case but football really isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things right now 

OK.  I'll give it a go.  When hs football finally resumes, kids and parents will be so thankful to simply be playing the game that they really won't care for what team they play or how many stars rivals has given them.  Transferring from school to school will be the exception rather than the norm for coaches and players alike.

What do think?  What will people learn from all that we have been going through? Will we simply pick back up right where we left off as if nothing ever happened? 

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2 minutes ago, OldSchoolLion said:

OK.  I'll give it a go.  When hs football finally resumes, kids and parents will be so thankful to simply be playing the game that they really won't care for what team they play or how many stars rivals has given them.  Transferring from school to school will be the exception rather than the norm for coaches and players alike.

What do think?  What will people learn from all that we have been going through? Will we simply pick back up right where we left off as if nothing ever happened? 

I think this year in general the transfer numbers statewide will be much lower than in most years however it's likely once things go back to normal things will return to what they were before because it does feel like many people out there are already looking past covid 19


Notice how everything in social media and news stations for over 2 months was about virus but as soon as the protests starting breaking out the coverage on the virus went to back burner, it does seem the media in general ran that coverage as long as they could before giving up, now protests and looting is all the news is focused on but covid isn't gone, it just isn't being treated as the same level of importance in the news anymore and it will be same way with football



People will appreciate having it back but then after a few months they will get complacent and go back to what it was before, it is what it is and it's what the game has turned into 

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14 hours ago, DarterBlue2 said:

I used Ref (referee) because you are part of the officiating crew. I meant no insult. Regarding the police, they reflect the training they receive and the general perception they have towards the population they are supposed to serve. Back in the late 1990s, I took a well paid civilian job with the Sheriff's office of one of the Central Florida counties. Despite great benefits and a 40 hour workweek, I left that job after six months, and returned to my former employer (sixty hour workweeks and all with no overtime). I did so because I found the attitude that was pervasive there towards poor people in general, and people of color specifically, was difficult for me to deal with.  And this attitude was pervasive, it included almost all the deputies as those of color were not exempt. 

Sadly, I believe that this attitude that you described exists in many Police Departments across the U.S.  These public servants need to learn to keep their personal feelings and biases at the front door. Maybe there can be some kind of reform after all of these incidents recently.

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11 hours ago, Jambun82 said:

Sadly, I believe that this attitude that you described exists in many Police Departments across the U.S.  These public servants need to learn to keep their personal feelings and biases at the front door. Maybe there can be some kind of reform after all of these incidents recently.

Put a bunch of testosterone-fueled, young males together in a boys club type of environment, practice violent activities, and without the proper mentoring and leadership, what do you get?  It doesn't matter whether it is football, law enforcement, or the military.  

We get NFL players with disproportionate episodes of domestic violence, LEO's with superior attitudes, and soldiers who cannot turn off the switch when they return from the battlefield.   I hear a lot of complaints about the behaviors, but I don't hear many solutions.   

At least in hs football, we have time with the kids to work with them and most are somewhat moldable.  








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11 hours ago, OldSchoolLion said:

Put a bunch of testosterone-fueled, young males together in a boys club type of environment, practice violent activities, and without the proper mentoring and leadership, what do you get?  It doesn't matter whether it is football, law enforcement, or the military.  

We get NFL players with disproportionate episodes of domestic violence, LEO's with superior attitudes, and soldiers who cannot turn off the switch when they return from the battlefield.   I hear a lot of complaints about the behaviors, but I don't hear many solutions.   

At least in hs football, we have time with the kids to work with them and most are somewhat moldable.  








That doesn't excuse Police brutality, and the general dismissive attitude of these public servants. I believe that a big part of the solution would be better training and screening of Police applicants. Also, many women Police Officers are a big part of the problem.  

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On 6/5/2020 at 4:58 AM, JaxTCA2010stateCHAMP said:

All Ik is .... JAX TCA ready time make it back to state this year ... they got about 8 kids with d1 offers right now maybe more .. and I’m tellin u all them TCA KIDS been putting it big time work this off season !!!! 

Hello again my friend

It will be interesting to see how TCA does this season. They are always one of the toughest teams in the state regardless of class. However, we at OTC have a senior laden team this season and have our old most winning HC Brantley back at the helm. Went to the 2nd round last year with mostly a Sophomore and Junior team and that team did defeat TCA in the 1st round.  So if both teams do well in the regular season you guys will probably be coming through us in the 1st round again. I'll advise not looking past us. :)


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29 minutes ago, Proseteye said:

Hello again my friend

It will be interesting to see how TCA does this season. They are always one of the toughest teams in the state regardless of class. However, we at OTC have a senior laden team this season and have our old most winning HC Brantley back at the helm. Went to the 2nd round last year with mostly a Sophomore and Junior team and that team did defeat TCA in the 1st round.  So if both teams do well in the regular season you guys will probably be coming through us in the 1st round again. I'll advise not looking past us. :)


Based on what I saw with Trinity Catholic roster I could see them winning 3a North

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13 hours ago, Jambun82 said:

That doesn't excuse Police brutality, and the general dismissive attitude of these public servants. I believe that a big part of the solution would be better training and screening of Police applicants. Also, many women Police Officers are a big part of the problem.  

Has nothing to do with training.. But yes better screening of Police Applicants..

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My understanding is that new police officers get 40 hours of initial training in a course titled "Interactions in a Diverse Community."   We expect a young south FL police officer to deal with a mindblowing amount of cultural diversity.   And they are supposed to learn enough about all of the different cultures that exist there to be able to successfully understand the expectations of people of them in 40 hours of training...recognizing that such expectations can vary greatly dependent upon the background of the individual with whom they are interacting in the community?  No worry, they'll learn on the job, right?  Well, that could be too late.  We are setting them up for failure throwing them into a diverse community with such a minimal amount of training concerning cultural diversity.   

What the heck does this have to do with football?  Well, a coach's success at a very diverse high school is clearly dependent upon his/her ability to connect with kids from potentially divergent cultures and be an authority figure who can throw the hammer down, at times, while at the same understanding that one approach may not be successful with all kids.  

How about this?  Let's hire a 19 year-old kid off a farm in North Dakota, give him a one-week diversity course, and then expect him to be a successful head coach in inner city Miami.  We would never do that, of course.  But, in some cases, and in a manner of speaking, that is exactly what we are doing with LEO's.  





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On 6/6/2020 at 11:46 PM, Proseteye said:

Hello again my friend

It will be interesting to see how TCA does this season. They are always one of the toughest teams in the state regardless of class. However, we at OTC have a senior laden team this season and have our old most winning HC Brantley back at the helm. Went to the 2nd round last year with mostly a Sophomore and Junior team and that team did defeat TCA in the 1st round.  So if both teams do well in the regular season you guys will probably be coming through us in the 1st round again. I'll advise not looking past us. :)


Good to hear from u sir !!!!! 

i think last year really humble TCA ... we haven’t had a losing season in a really long time ... all I’m saying is .. the coaches are being a lot harder on them this season ... working out harder and training harder then they did last years!!!! It’s gonna be a diff team this year 

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27 minutes ago, JaxTCA2010stateCHAMP said:

Good to hear from u sir !!!!! 

i think last year really humble TCA ... we haven’t had a losing season in a really long time ... all I’m saying is .. the coaches are being a lot harder on them this season ... working out harder and training harder then they did last years!!!! It’s gonna be a diff team this year 

Well, you guys had one tough schedule to go through. Playing bigger and stronger teams can beat any team down. It's a wonder you did as well as you did against us. Game was as tight as it could be and it could have gone either way. TCA will probably be better than last season. But so will we. And, I believe in the first round we would travel to Jax in 2020. I love our team playing TCA at their home. That field has always been good to OTC for some reason. Don't care for the temperature there in December though. When we played Episcopal there in December one year I had to leave at halftime. Could never get warm and my old bones just couldn't take it. Good luck to both Trinity's this season and maybe beyond. :)

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14 hours ago, Proseteye said:

Well, you guys had one tough schedule to go through. Playing bigger and stronger teams can beat any team down. It's a wonder you did as well as you did against us. Game was as tight as it could be and it could have gone either way. TCA will probably be better than last season. But so will we. And, I believe in the first round we would travel to Jax in 2020. I love our team playing TCA at their home. That field has always been good to OTC for some reason. Don't care for the temperature there in December though. When we played Episcopal there in December one year I had to leave at halftime. Could never get warm and my old bones just couldn't take it. Good luck to both Trinity's this season and maybe beyond. :)

Location depends upon seeding



TCA schedule is still tough but not as overbearing as last year so they may be able to have a better record which could allow them to be a higher seed but no guarantee they end up higher than Trinity Catholic

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1 hour ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Location depends upon seeding



TCA schedule is still tough but not as overbearing as last year so they may be able to have a better record which could allow them to be a higher seed but no guarantee they end up higher than Trinity Catholic

51-21 TCA wins big. 8 d1 players or more pretty much takes care of it. When you recruit in high school you win most the time. And jax TCA fan come play madison or yall scared. Florida high would have smacked yall silly last year. They got a all American top 50 this year. It won't Matter when they play madison, 3A a joke thats why they put TCA in there , because  chamnie Madonna was winning to much. They would have took a lost to Madison on everything.  Florida high probably gonna win 3A with a lost to Madison again. Oh yeah trinity catholic who is that do yall recruit and still get beat. Penscola beat yall, madison owns that sorry school. And Columbia fan get ready. To take a lost to Madison,  no Jordan Smith or bell to save yall now, 4A a joke bolles and booker t recruit,  5A is great, 6A is great, 7A because of A few teams, 8A overrated 1A gonna get better,  2A trash, madison gonna always finish top 10 in state. 

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4 minutes ago, Jesse said:

51-21 TCA wins big. 8 d1 players or more pretty much takes care of it. When you recruit in high school you win most the time. And jax TCA fan come play madison or yall scared. Florida high would have smacked yall silly last year. They got a all American top 50 this year. It won't Matter when they play madison, 3A a joke thats why they put TCA in there , because  chamnie Madonna was winning to much. They would have took a lost to Madison on everything.  Florida high probably gonna win 3A with a lost to Madison again. Oh yeah trinity catholic who is that do yall recruit and still get beat. Penscola beat yall, madison owns that sorry school. And Columbia fan get ready. To take a lost to Madison,  no Jordan Smith or bell to save yall now, 4A a joke bolles and booker t recruit,  5A is great, 6A is great, 7A because of A few teams, 8A overrated 1A gonna get better,  2A trash, madison gonna always finish top 10 in state. 

It's way too early in the day to be drunk 


Not even noon yet so put the moonshine away 

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On 6/5/2020 at 5:17 PM, Perspective said:

Funny you should say that HornetFan.   After seeing Josh's post on social media today, I was wondering whether he should open up this site for a broader discussion of race and sports. 

If you go to the main page, you'll find an "Off Topic" section for non-HS football related discussions. If people want to discuss race and sports, police, demonstrators, looters, etc., a section has already been established for that. 

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7 minutes ago, HornetFan said:

If you go to the main page, you'll find an "Off Topic" section for non-HS football related discussions. If people want to discuss race and sports, police, demonstrators, looters, etc., a section has already been established for that. 

That's actually why I moved it to the OT section because it was clear to me this topic was never gonna get back into a football discussion

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On 6/5/2020 at 6:45 PM, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

I think this year in general the transfer numbers statewide will be much lower than in most years however it's likely once things go back to normal things will return to what they were before because it does feel like many people out there are already looking past covid 19



I don't think Covid-19 will have much effect on transfers. Most kids had already transferred in January so they would be eligible for Spring practice and the Spring game; it's just like the kids coming out of HS early starting college in January to get a jump on the Fall season. Winter Park had about a half dozen kids transfer into their HS in January; my oldest grandson was one of them, moving over from Bishop Moore. Who knew the virus would come and wipe out Spring football?

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