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12 minutes ago, Jullian said:

Lol. U fired up Bro! I saw enough to know Dillard wasn’t the best team on the field. Now it can change most definitely. But the defense giving up 49 points ain’t cool bro!!! Esp it being Dillard strength……..

Jumping out 14-0 on the number 12 team in the nation & putting up 28 points on their turf & should’ve been more showed way more then what you’re giving Dillard credit for. 

sure there’s no moral victories & we’re not looking for that but when it boils down to it this game for the hype that was surrounded by it wasn’t decided solely on the talent of both teams.

chaminades defense didn’t impress me & our d line was getting in the back field of their offense if it wasn’t for the flags that have them free first downs more then half of chaminades drives would have been 3 and outs 

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3 minutes ago, skyway said:

Bottom line is sheer quantity of transfers is not meaningful enough by itself to guarantee a team will be elite. Just because a kid has a Twitter post with a cool graphic announcing "I'm taking my talents to ____" doesn't mean he's a great player. 

This had nothing to do with transfers or the fact that this game proved that Dillard isn’t “ELITE” this game was between two great teams that the refs refused to let play. 

perfrct ex when central went and get blasted by BOSCO in da 

Or When MNW went & go blasted by lowndes. Strength for strength Dillard & Chaminade were even. B4 the refs got involved it was 14-0 Dillard that should tell you something 

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6 minutes ago, THIS_IS_DILLARD said:

If the refs would have drove us down the field with flags every time we was on offense we would have scored 49 to. 

it’s easy as hell to put up points when you’re the #12 team in the nation and the refs are literally driving you down the field with flag after flag. 

that’s why I said in my original post it’s easy as hell to look at the 49 points and assume oh the lions tore Dillards defense a new one which was the farthest from the case 

Waving the white flag here. I would like a third party, unabiased, to give their spin on the game, that was there. You bleed blue & grey. It’s hard, really hard lol, for you to be completely fair in an assessment. I root for Dillard every week, having coached there in the 90’s, plus having a plethora of lifetime friends from there, yet can watch a game, not being influenced by my affections. 

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13 minutes ago, Jullian said:

Waving the white flag here. I would like a third party, unabiased, to give their spin on the game, that was there. You bleed blue & grey. It’s hard, really hard lol, for you to be completely fair in an assessment. I root for Dillard every week, having coached there in the 90’s, plus having a plethora of lifetime friends from there, yet can watch a game, not being influenced by my affections. 

Yes I’m a AVID Dillard alum, former player & present & future supporter. But I know how to separate my love for something vs reality. 

if chaminade came out and str8 up kicked our ass I would give them their dues and look forward to getting better moving forward. As we both agree on it’s still EARLY. 

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15 minutes ago, Jullian said:

Waving the white flag here. I would like a third party, unabiased, to give their spin on the game, that was there. You bleed blue & grey. It’s hard, really hard lol, for you to be completely fair in an assessment. I root for Dillard every week, having coached there in the 90’s, plus having a plethora of lifetime friends from there, yet can watch a game, not being influenced by my affections. 

I don’t know if @954gator seen the whole game but I believe he seen a great deal of it if I’m not mistaken 

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10 minutes ago, Jullian said:

Waving the white flag here. I would like a third party, unabiased, to give their spin on the game, that was there. You bleed blue & grey. It’s hard, really hard lol, for you to be completely fair in an assessment. I root for Dillard every week, having coached there in the 90’s, plus having a plethora of lifetime friends from there, yet can watch a game, not being influenced by my affections. 

Didn't see that game but have watched several involving these "SO-CALLED" elite national teams to know these rankings are a JOKE!!  As many sober people have pointed out, let's get a body of 5, 6, 7 games before we start claiming teams are Elite.  I do agree that refs can cost a team a game, just hard to chalk it up to that when you lose by 3 TD's and give up almost 50 points no matter how you try to paint it.  Even if all of it were true, nothing is learned if you aren't willing to take ANY responsibility for an outcome like this. 

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3 minutes ago, Ray Icaza said:

Didn't see that game but have watched several involving these "SO-CALLED" elite national teams to know these rankings are a JOKE!!  As many sober people have pointed out, let's get a body of 5, 6, 7 games before we start claiming teams are Elite.  I do agree that refs can cost a team a game, just hard to chalk it up to that when you lose by 3 TD's and give up almost 50 points no matter how you try to paint it.  Even if all of it were true, nothing is learned if you aren't willing to take ANY responsibility for an outcome like this. 

At the end of the day Dillard just have to be better. Refs or not. It’s a long season tho and I believe Dillard will most def come out even greater from this. 

this is why you challenge yourself win or lose I rather it now, rather in November. 

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24 minutes ago, Jullian said:

Waving the white flag here. I would like a third party, unabiased, to give their spin on the game, that was there. You bleed blue & grey. It’s hard, really hard lol, for you to be completely fair in an assessment. I root for Dillard every week, having coached there in the 90’s, plus having a plethora of lifetime friends from there, yet can watch a game, not being influenced by my affections. 

Watched game on net.  Refs or not, dillard could not move ball.  No downfield passing game and run stuffed.  Better than expected cmd dline and cmd secondary locked down.  Could have been worse for dillard wout penalties.  Uptempo cmd offense could not get in sync.  cmd qb can throw and wr's may have sliced gasd dillard d wout flags slowin em down.  Blount a monster.  Dillard d in trouble wout him.  

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Game started extremely sloppy. 3 turnovers in the first quarter. Our starting quarterback got knocked out the game late in the second quarter when it was 13-0. 

DEFENSE: them boys was out right nasty Vs a very good MIRAMAR team especially at home. It was 27-0 with 1:30 left in the game. Dillard took their starters out with 5 min left whileMiramar kept their starters in to avoid the shut out.

OFFENSE: our offense started terrible with no energy, the second half they looked like a new team with the 2nd string sophomore Qb at the helm. “Could we see a change at the Qb spot!??”

PENALTIES: way way way way down from last week, still was some foolish penalties but a lot more disciplined this week. 

OVERALL- coming in Miramar had the week off after beating plantation at home to start the season. In a interview the patriots head coach said he refused to lose to Dillard 3 years in a row with this year being the first of the 3 at Miramar. 

Miramar has a very aggressive defense they’re most def gonna win their district. Overall dominant win tonight over a very good opponent on the road for the second consecutive week & the last 3 weeks out of 4. 

NEXT UP: BYE WEEK. @VeniceIndiansFootball @DarterBlue2 @Jullian @561_Fan

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14 hours ago, THIS_IS_DILLARD said:

Game started extremely sloppy. 3 turnovers in the first quarter. Our starting quarterback got knocked out the game late in the second quarter when it was 13-0. 

DEFENSE: them boys was out right nasty Vs a very good MIRAMAR team especially at home. It was 27-0 with 1:30 left in the game. Dillard took their starters out with 5 min left whileMiramar kept their starters in to avoid the shut out.

OFFENSE: our offense started terrible with no energy, the second half they looked like a new team with the 2nd string sophomore Qb at the helm. “Could we see a change at the Qb spot!??”

PENALTIES: way way way way down from last week, still was some foolish penalties but a lot more disciplined this week. 

OVERALL- coming in Miramar had the week off after beating plantation at home to start the season. In a interview the patriots head coach said he refused to lose to Dillard 3 years in a row with this year being the first of the 3 at Miramar. 

Miramar has a very aggressive defense they’re most def gonna win their district. Overall dominant win tonight over a very good opponent on the road for the second consecutive week & the last 3 weeks out of 4. 

NEXT UP: BYE WEEK. @VeniceIndiansFootball @DarterBlue2 @Jullian @561_Fan

Nice win after a loss!!!!

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