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1 hour ago, Perspective said:

Bueller?   Bueller?  

I don't have an answer to that question, but I also didn't make the remark.  My only take with this kid is he has been playing in our youth league, on the same team with many of our players for several years so it must have been a consideration for awhile.  Our HC has zero intention of talking to players on other teams, but due to the aforementioned familiarity we were told he was going to make the transfer here.  Obviously, in consultation with his Mom he made a different choice and they have their reasons.   Didn't know if the question you posed was intended to solicit a response from me or the originator of the comment.  In any event, this is how I see it.

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20 minutes ago, Ray Icaza said:

I don't have an answer to that question, but I also didn't make the remark.  My only take with this kid is he has been playing in our youth league, on the same team with many of our players for several years so it must have been a consideration for awhile.  Our HC has zero intention of talking to players on other teams, but due to the aforementioned familiarity we were told he was going to make the transfer here.  Obviously, in consultation with his Mom he made a different choice and they have their reasons.   Didn't know if the question you posed was intended to solicit a response from me or the originator of the comment.  In any event, this is how I see it.

Thank you, Ray.  My question was to Lakeland Gator.  In his post, he stated:  "The choice was made after talking/visiting both campuses, so save the out recruited nonsense."   He sounded like he had some knowledge that the kid or his family had spoken to coaches at one or both of the schools . . . in fact, when I first read it, I was going to ask if the kid had taken "official visits" to both schools a la the way its done in college.   

Given what was originally posted, I don't really expect the poster to come back and say something to incriminate the Dreadnaughts (like, "yeah, I was standing right there when the kid stopped by Lakeland over the summer and was talking to Coach Castle about what his chances would be of earning the starting QB job if he were to transfer to Lakeland").   While that may very well have happened, no one's going to come on a message board and acknowledge that. 

Bottom line:  I was just looking for a little clarification from the other guy, not you, Ray. 

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17 minutes ago, Perspective said:

Thank you, Ray.  My question was to Lakeland Gator.  In his post, he stated:  "The choice was made after talking/visiting both campuses, so save the out recruited nonsense."   He sounded like he had some knowledge that the kid or his family had spoken to coaches at one or both of the schools . . . in fact, when I first read it, I was going to ask if the kid had taken "official visits" to both schools a la the way its done in college.   

Given what was originally posted, I don't really expect the poster to come back and say something to incriminate the Dreadnaughts (like, "yeah, I was standing right there when the kid stopped by Lakeland over the summer and was talking to Coach Castle about what his chances would be of earning the starting QB job if he were to transfer to Lakeland").   While that may very well have happened, no one's going to come on a message board and acknowledge that. 

Bottom line:  I was just looking for a little clarification from the other guy, not you, Ray. 

He's just a Lakeland apologist who thinks he's some insider to not only every school in Polk County but the entire state 


Just like Los, Lakeland Gator/County Polk isn't any more an insider than I am but thinks he should be treated like royalty but unlike me he is wrong very often and routinely lies to try and help is argument than gets an attitude and blocks people who threaten to expose his lies 


Watch out he may come after you next for poking holes in his case :lol:

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2 hours ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

He's just a Lakeland apologist who thinks he's some insider to not only every school in Polk County but the entire state 


Just like Los, Lakeland Gator/County Polk isn't any more an insider than I am but thinks he should be treated like royalty but unlike me he is wrong very often and routinely lies to try and help is argument than gets an attitude and blocks people who threaten to expose his lies 


Watch out he may come after you next for poking holes in his case :lol:

I ain't afraid of no ghosts.    :P

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11 hours ago, Perspective said:

Thank you, Ray.  My question was to Lakeland Gator.  In his post, he stated:  "The choice was made after talking/visiting both campuses, so save the out recruited nonsense."   He sounded like he had some knowledge that the kid or his family had spoken to coaches at one or both of the schools . . . in fact, when I first read it, I was going to ask if the kid had taken "official visits" to both schools a la the way its done in college.   

Given what was originally posted, I don't really expect the poster to come back and say something to incriminate the Dreadnaughts (like, "yeah, I was standing right there when the kid stopped by Lakeland over the summer and was talking to Coach Castle about what his chances would be of earning the starting QB job if he were to transfer to Lakeland").   While that may very well have happened, no one's going to come on a message board and acknowledge that. 

Bottom line:  I was just looking for a little clarification from the other guy, not you, Ray. 

And I'm sure you realize you could switch out Dreadnaughts with Kowboys, Lakeland with Osceola and Coach Castle with Coach Pinellas, and mean the same thing. ;)

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5 hours ago, skyway said:

And I'm sure you realize you could switch out Dreadnaughts with Kowboys, Lakeland with Osceola and Coach Castle with Coach Pinellas, and mean the same thing. ;)

Unfortunately, you are still suffering mental loss.  Your take was Lakeland vs Lake Gibson from the jump.  Coach Castle vs Coach Pringle.  Osceola has never been charged with a recruiting violation either, so you can't even replace Osceola for Lakeland in that respect either.  Finally, the player in question is AT LAKELAND not Osceola.  A bit late for deflecting. 

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5 hours ago, Ray Icaza said:

Unfortunately, you are still suffering mental loss.  Your take was Lakeland vs Lake Gibson from the jump.  Coach Castle vs Coach Pringle.  Osceola has never been charged with a recruiting violation either, so you can't even replace Osceola for Lakeland in that respect either.  Finally, the player in question is AT LAKELAND not Osceola.  A bit late for deflecting. 


You're really worked up over this, aren't you?!

You're speaking to someone who's lived in California for the last 20 years. :lol:

In fact, my claim has never been that. I was referring to...wait for it...a TWEET where the effort of Lake Gibson's players were acknowledged but so was the fact that the kid was going to Lakeland. My comment a little bit above was simply in reference to Gator saying the kids had spoken to both programs, while Perspective only seemed interested in the conversation with Lakeland, even though it was said he spoke to both. Anyone who's followed Perspective's comments over the years understands why he'd focus only one way, just as anyone seeing your avatar knows why you focus one way. My aim to is to speak with stark honesty about what's going on. But, just like with politics and matters of ideology, people only want to focus outrage in the direction of the other tribe; never their own.

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39 minutes ago, skyway said:


You're really worked up over this, aren't you?!

You're speaking to someone who's lived in California for the last 20 years. :lol:

In fact, my claim has never been that. I was referring to...wait for it...a TWEET where the effort of Lake Gibson's players were acknowledged but so was the fact that the kid was going to Lakeland. My comment a little bit above was simply in reference to Gator saying the kids had spoken to both programs, while Perspective only seemed interested in the conversation with Lakeland, even though it was said he spoke to both. Anyone who's followed Perspective's comments over the years understands why he'd focus only one way, just as anyone seeing your avatar knows why you focus one way. My aim to is to speak with stark honesty about what's going on. But, just like with politics and matters of ideology, people only want to focus outrage in the direction of the other tribe; never their own.

In the event you forgot, we are the Kowboys.  Not a member of a tribe.  20 years in California TOO.  HUHH??

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16 hours ago, skyway said:

And I'm sure you realize you could switch out Dreadnaughts with Kowboys, Lakeland with Osceola and Coach Castle with Coach Pinellas, and mean the same thing. ;)

Absolutely.   I could have done that.  But look back at my initial reply to Lakeland Gator, where I asked:  “Who, exactly, was the kid or his family talking to when visiting both campuses?” (emphasis added).  And, then again, at my reply to Ray:  “Thank you, Ray.  My question was to Lakeland Gator.  In his post, he stated:  "The choice was made after talking/visiting both campuses, so save the out recruited nonsense."   He sounded like he had some knowledge that the kid or his family had spoken to coaches at one or both of the schools . . . in fact, when I first read it, I was going to ask if the kid had taken "official visits" to both schools a la the way it’s done in college.” (emphasis added). 

By this time, Ray had essentially responded on behalf of Osceola (“Our HC has zero intention of talking to players on other teams . . ..”).   I was still hoping to get a response back from the person who started all of this: Lakeland Gator.  Now, I’m no Sherlock Holmes, and recognizing that LHS is not the only high school in the Lakeland area, I’ve been operating on the assumption that perhaps, just maybe, Lakeland Gators has some affiliation with Lakeland High School (alum, parent, booster, fan, etc.).   So, for that reason, I used Dreadnaughts/Lakeland/Castle in my hypothetical (well, that plus the fact that I would have had to look up the Kowboy head coach’s name).  Plus, as Ray has pointed out, and as I understand it, the kid ended up a Lakeland.  But, to your point, I could have chosen to use either school/coach or both.  I simply chose the one that seemed to be more relevant to the person I was asking the question of . . . the same person who, interestingly enough, still has not responded to the question (although he no doubt enjoys the fact that you have his back).

Hey, I can make an argument that if the state and the FHSAA are going to allow school choice, players and their families who are considering a transfer should be allowed to speak with the head coach or some other representative of each school that they are considering.  But, as it stands now, that’s simply not allowed  . . . which I suspect is why my question has not been answered.    

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5 hours ago, skyway said:

My comment a little bit above was simply in reference to Gator saying the kids had spoken to both programs, while Perspective only seemed interested in the conversation with Lakeland, even though it was said he spoke to both. Anyone who's followed Perspective's comments over the years understands why he'd focus only one way, just as anyone seeing your avatar knows why you focus one way. My aim to is to speak with stark honesty about what's going on. But, just like with politics and matters of ideology, people only want to focus outrage in the direction of the other tribe; never their own.

At this point, I really don't have a dog in the fight as far as high school football goes.  I certainly have no dog in this particular fight (i.e., whether a kid transferred to Lakeland or Osceola).    Like you, I'd love for us all to be honest about what goes on.   The way I read LakelandGator's post, he was telling the story of a QB was going to transfer and that the kid and his family were considering two possible options:  Lakeland and Osceola.  If I lived in the Lakeland/Winter Haven/Poinciana/Kissimmee area and had a kid who showed promise in football, and my kid was unhappy with his current school (for legit reasons), those two schools would certainly be high on my list as well. 

But then the post went a little further and implied that the kid and/or his family had visited both schools and spoken with both coaches.  This was done to deflect criticism that one of the schools was outwardly recruiting the kid.  But, in laying out the defense, I think LakelandGator inadvertently revealed knowledge of one of the secret truths that probably goes on every day across the state:  kids and their families privately/secretly have conversations with coaches from other schools when they are considering a transfer. 

Again, as I just said in my other post, I could make the argument that kids and their families should be allowed to reach out to coaches from other schools and discuss whether there is a mutual interest, a good fit, a similar philosophy, a need at a particular position, etc.     But, at present, that's not allowed.  The FHSAA considers this to be recruiting, just as if the coach had reached out to the kid or his parents. 

So, if this is the way it went down with this particular kid (i.e., he visited either or both schools and spoke with either or both coaches), who's going to step up and say "yeah, that's what happened" and run the risk that the kid is declared ineligible and "his team" gets hurt in the process?  Who's willing to be starkly honest about it? 

(Using my Jack Nicholson voice and paraphrasing just a bit):  "You want the truth, Skyway?  Can you handle the truth?"   B)

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6 minutes ago, Perspective said:

At this point, I really don't have a dog in the fight as far as high school football goes.  I certainly have no dog in this particular fight (i.e., whether a kid transferred to Lakeland or Osceola).    Like you, I'd love for us all to be honest about what goes on.   The way I read LakelandGator's post, he was telling the story of a QB was going to transfer and that the kid and his family were considering two possible options:  Lakeland and Osceola.  If I lived in the Lakeland/Winter Haven/Poinciana/Kissimmee area and had a kid who showed promise in football, and my kid was unhappy with his current school (for legit reasons), those two schools would certainly be high on my list as well. 

But then the post went a little further and implied that the kid and/or his family had visited both schools and spoken with both coaches.  This was done to deflect criticism that one of the schools was outwardly recruiting the kid.  But, in laying out the defense, I think LakelandGator inadvertently revealed knowledge of one of the secret truths that probably goes on every day across the state:  kids and their families privately/secretly have conversations with coaches from other schools when they are considering a transfer. 

Again, as I just said in my other post, I could make the argument that kids and their families should be allowed to reach out to coaches from other schools and discuss whether there is a mutual interest, a good fit, a similar philosophy, a need at a particular position, etc.     But, at present, that's not allowed.  The FHSAA considers this to be recruiting, just as if the coach had reached out to the kid or his parents. 

So, if this is the way it went down with this particular kid (i.e., he visited either or both schools and spoke with either or both coaches), who's going to step up and say "yeah, that's what happened" and run the risk that the kid is declared ineligible and "his team" gets hurt in the process?  Who's willing to be starkly honest about it? 

(Using my Jack Nicholson voice and paraphrasing just a bit):  "You want the truth, Skyway?  Can you handle the truth?"   B)

The only Lakeland posters on these boards who know what the truth is would be @Nulli Secundusand @gwdrum75

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4 minutes ago, Perspective said:

But to Skyway's point, who's going to disclose wrongdoings of a team they support? 

Honestly I think that is true that most people aren't gonna say something if their program is doing something wrong at least publicly


There have been times talking to people privately I would be open to critically judging some decisions but after all considering I've been pushed out of programs for not openly bashing them only for someone else to lie and say I did so I guess it's tough to know what the right decision is 


There are definitely cases that sometimes you can't protect everything a program does yet still be a supporter 

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4 hours ago, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

The only Lakeland posters on these boards who know what the truth is would be @Nulli Secundusand @gwdrum75


I hope GW returns one day.  Although he graduated from Manatee, he grew up in Lakeland and we attended the same junior high back in the day.  He would've been at Lakeland had he not moved to Bradenton for high school.  He has a wealth of knowledge as most of this family graduated from Lakeland.  As most of you already know, he has game tapes on Lakeland for days.  Unfortunately, he and his family have experienced severe tragedy over the last year.  That coupled with just living life and there's no telling when he may return.  I wish him all the best. 

Regarding the truth, I only speak on things that have a clear cut paper trail (historical) OR things that I have witnessed for myself.  These days, very little interaction with the Dreadnaught programs as I'm here in Atlanta and don't follow the program as closely as I did say 10-15 years ago.  The last game I attended was Lakeland/Norland in '06 with my wife (Norland grad) if that gives you any idea.

I try my best to not repeat items from people who I KNOW are in Lakeland and close to the program.  In other words I don't repeat stories I've heard, speculation and hearsay.  The only situation I would even mention that I witnessed (in part) is why Lakeland has not scheduled a game in Miami (or S. Fl for that matter) since 1992 but I imagine anyone could figure that one out, LOL.  I could post stories all day about how coaches around Polk county have complained about the Dreadnaught program poaching players for decades.  I can also tell you (or anyone) that I've heard about some "things" happening at Lakeland before I even got to high school as it was never a well kept secret.  The way the game is today with choice, I don't have the time or energy to keep up with that so I don't.  

Regarding other Lakeland posters, I won't bash them as they support Lakeland, LOL.  Whatever their methods are of obtaining info is how they operate.  I'm not gonna question it.  It's entertaining at the least and even if some things can be debunked, I've seen some things that have turned out to be true.  

Thanks for the shout out @ColumbiaHighFan2017class

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1 hour ago, Nulli Secundus said:


I hope GW returns one day.  Although he graduated from Manatee, he grew up in Lakeland and we attended the same junior high back in the day.  He would've been at Lakeland had he not moved to Bradenton for high school.  He has a wealth of knowledge as most of this family graduated from Lakeland.  As most of you already know, he has game tapes on Lakeland for days.  Unfortunately, he and his family have experienced severe tragedy over the last year.  That coupled with just living life and there's no telling when he may return.  I wish him all the best. 

Regarding the truth, I only speak on things that have a clear cut paper trail (historical) OR things that I have witnessed for myself.  These days, very little interaction with the Dreadnaught programs as I'm here in Atlanta and don't follow the program as closely as I did say 10-15 years ago.  The last game I attended was Lakeland/Norland in '06 with my wife (Norland grad) if that gives you any idea.

I try my best to not repeat items from people who I KNOW are in Lakeland and close to the program.  In other words I don't repeat stories I've heard, speculation and hearsay.  The only situation I would even mention that I witnessed (in part) is why Lakeland has not scheduled a game in Miami (or S. Fl for that matter) since 1992 but I imagine anyone could figure that one out, LOL.  I could post stories all day about how coaches around Polk county have complained about the Dreadnaught program poaching players for decades.  I can also tell you (or anyone) that I've heard about some "things" happening at Lakeland before I even got to high school as it was never a well kept secret.  The way the game is today with choice, I don't have the time or energy to keep up with that so I don't.  

Regarding other Lakeland posters, I won't bash them as they support Lakeland, LOL.  Whatever their methods are of obtaining info is how they operate.  I'm not gonna question it.  It's entertaining at the least and even if some things can be debunked, I've seen some things that have turned out to be true.  

Thanks for the shout out @ColumbiaHighFan2017class

You are right, many posts are quite entertaining but your sober analysis earns respect. 

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On 8/15/2022 at 6:24 PM, VeniceIndiansFootball said:

Northwestern is not worried about Central or Venice? This comment is not going to age well. Our defense returns Damon Wilson, Trenton Kintigh, Sage Yootzy, Elliot Washington, and Shamarion Wilson on top of transfers Deylen Platt and Kammrin Herring. MNW has a run first offense, so good luck moving the ball against one of the best defensive lines in the state. Northwestern will need at least 28 points to defeat Venice. The Bulls can win but it’s going to be easy. Best of luck! 

Yeah this didn't age well. LOL.. I'm very disappointed on the way NW started and finished. Mainly with the coaches. Started to conservative and had only 1 or zero safety in obvious passing situations (coach Max smh). And the special tems miscues continue to haunt us. Another kick return for a td and a onside kick recovery. Venice had issues with special teams as well. Tyger played ok off to a subpar start has to pick it up rest of the season. Venice dline did not impress me. NW gashed their dline all game long and Jamari Ford didn't even play. It was a senior, soph, and freshman that ran over that defense. Those boys were worn down. Damion Wilson did nothing tonight. Like I said (hate to admit it) Reuben Bain is the best d lineman in the state. That's who really gives and will continue to give MNW and everybody else problems just like IMG last night. Fans and staff of Venice were nice at least and it was an enjoyable ride home. If Venice doesn't find a line this could be a long season with the schedule they have.

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