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New Football District & Assignments released

Joshua Wilson

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So now we have many three team districts which favors those schools tremendously. They only have to win two game to win district. Then they have a better chance at playoffs because they don’t have guaranteed losses by teams that don’t have to play each other.   Dumb system that marginalizes half the state programs 

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1 hour ago, badbird said:

So they miss a team completely.  Typical FHSAA move.  They would fu** up a wet dream.

I wonder who else got missed?

How many teams will still cry and try and change to an easier district based on travel :blink:

Well before this even came out Poinciana told the Orlando Sentinel they were going Independent again.

They missed Sebastian River and it appears that the commitment form was never filled out.

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17 minutes ago, Joshua Wilson said:

Well before this even came out Poinciana told the Orlando Sentinel they were going Independent again.

They missed Sebastian River and it appears that the commitment form was never filled out.

I would guess Sebastian River will go independent, if you’re going by school size, they would be in the same district as Treasure Coast, Fort Pierce Central, Centennial, Martin County and Vero Beach. Sebastian make it clear last season they do not intend on playing Vero again despite their intra county rivalry. 

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45 minutes ago, Joshua Wilson said:

Well before this even came out Poinciana told the Orlando Sentinel they were going Independent again.

They missed Sebastian River and it appears that the commitment form was never filled out.

If they are going independent put them on the independent list.  So now we are up to 3 schools they left off.  Sebastian and Liberty.  Why put out a list that doesn't include every team?  Don't you think it's important to get it right the first time?  How hard is it to double check the list and make sure you have all the schools and if the schools didn't fill it out send an email or make a call.  They missed teams last time they did this also.  I know Lake Minneola wasn't on the list last time.  It just shows complete lack of organization.  Don't rush out a half assed list.

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Probably my favorite district.  

-St. John Paul 0-8 last year   
-Somerset Key who folded the program last 2 years because not enough guys       
-Avant Garde: trying to recruit, but come on.     
-Westminster Academy who just came back from independent a few years ago because of promise of no districts.

Going to be a real grind for Chaminade. None of those games will be within 40. IF Somerset fields a team, that is the type of game kids get hurt in. 

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38 minutes ago, SFLfootball said:

Probably my favorite district.  

-St. John Paul 0-8 last year   
-Somerset Key who folded the program last 2 years because not enough guys       
-Avant Garde: trying to recruit, but come on.     
-Westminster Academy who just came back from independent a few years ago because of promise of no districts.

Going to be a real grind for Chaminade. None of those games will be within 40. IF Somerset fields a team, that is the type of game kids get hurt in. 

Chaminade-madonna will win automatically.  No games played.  50 at the half if they are.  

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On 3/9/2022 at 6:52 PM, ColumbiaHighFan2017class said:

Only team I can see who would have a legit gripe on travel is probably key west but the problem is there is no easy answer for where to put them 


Everyone else isn't in any worse a spot that what Columbia, St Augustine and Lincoln had when they shared a district in late 90s (for reference it's over 3 1/2-4 hours between St Augustine and Lincoln) so these teams get me with the travel complaint crap 

I don't see why they don't switch Columbia and Clay. Clay is a lot closer to the teams in Columbia's district.

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5 hours ago, JaxTCA2010stateCHAMP said:

We have weeks 1,2,6,9,10,11


I wish we could play y’all again! Lol we need our rematch because it was a great game 

We need a week 11. I’ll tell Peacock about Trinity as soon as I can and we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. That 2019 game is one I don’t think I’ll forget as long as I live! The offensive coordinators loved it, but I think the defensive coordinators were scratching their heads a few times! Lol

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On 3/9/2022 at 5:19 PM, Joshua Wilson said:

I would be really cussing up a storm if we didn't have the power rankings for playoffs to help sort that out. I can live with this knowing the power rankings can help this scenario. 

Unless they haven't changed the district winner a guaranteed 1-4 seeding you should still be cussing. Hypothetically a 1-9 ( 1-1 with district tie break rules) team could be a #4 regional seed. Three team districts are a clown show and an embarrassment highlighting the ineptitude of the FHSAA !

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